Sunday, August 7, 2011

Valley of Bones (7/8/2011)

God showed me the story of Ezekiel and the dry bones (the Story) this afternoon when driving back from church. And God told me: "I will awaken the Christians in this land of UTP". I'm sure this is gonna be a vision that I need to work towards. I'm convinced that is what will be seen in the future and personalized this vision as a target for me to see and reach.

Interesting about the dry bones story is, God doesn't need a whole bunch of people only He can start His works, God can do His wonders through even one person, if one person is willing to devote and be serious and loving to Him. Through one person's heart which is devoted to God, God can change a whole community. I believe in that. But doesn't means that there should be only be one person to do His works.

Well, I think this vision is not just for me, but I believe that this is one vision that should be personalize by the Christians. To those who are willing to be used by God, to those who are willing to be serious with God's calling, to those who are willing to put down everything and put God as 1st in life. This vision is for you. It is time for Christians to rise up, be united as one body in Christ and to shine for Him~!

Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. -- Isaiah 60:1
The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray. -- 1 Peter 4:7