Monday, August 22, 2011

Is Bible scientific? -- The story of Noah's ark

Warning: This is a super duper long post, long but yet super duper interesting ;)

A lot of time, we all start to wonder (christians or not alike) whether what is written in the Bible is it actually true? they sounds so bizarre, so not scientific. The story of Noah's ark although very crazy, but it does happens.

For those who don't know, The story of Noah's ark is a story of a worldwide (literally) flood which happens because God was so angry with the wicked people in the world and wanted to destroy them. However, God saw the righteous heart of Noah and commanded him to construct an ark that will be a shelter of refuge for both him and his 3 sons and their wives (8 person in total). and to save a pair of male and female of every single living creature into the ark.

so, is this crazy story plausible? is there really a worldwide flood that covered every single corner of the earth? Scientist disproven it, but lets find out...scientifically:

What are the evidence?
1) In Genesis 7:11 it said:

In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, on the seventeenth day of the second month--on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.

A lot of time, we thought the great flood is just rain, but notice it says the springs of the great deep, that means that somewhere underwater, water also burst out...modern day science has proven that deep underwater, there are water sources from rocks which are actually underground water source and they confirmed it with submarine expeditions.....well, the Bible was written at a time where there is no submarine but it was there in the verse, God already knew these scientific things that we still haven see in ancient times.

2) The great flood which is on earth was caused by water right? does it strike anyone of you that earth was only planet which consisted of 70% water? and until now, there is no solid evidence that water existed in other planets, which is one of the criteria for a habitual planet that can support life.

And when we go to the beach, did we ever wonder why is the seawater salty? why is it so salty?

Scientist explanation: Erosion from rocks

But is it really that powerful to make the sea that salty? or is it because of a great flood that cover every single corner of the earth and when it retract, it wash all the minerals and salts on the land along with it? (just imagine rinsing a plate full of salt)


3) Why is there so many fossils on the earth? in fact, there are millions upon millions of dead creatures that is buried across the whole earth. On mountains, in valleys, in caves, etc etc.

Lets talk about fossils?
The fossil on the left is an Ichthyosaur - 7 feet long.
Notice that this fossil was actually giving birth!!!

And if fossils take millions of years to form, don't tell me this fellow took millions of years to give birth and was so slow until the earth can slowly cover and fossilized this thing.

Or is it because there was a sudden flood which caused a massive soil erosion that buried this mother alive suddenly? Which one is more plausible? This is not shown in your textbook right? not convincing? lets take another example

=.=......a fossilized fish which is having lunch. If fossils took millions of years and layer upon layer of soil to cover it, this might be one of the longest lunch in the world...

Or is it because of a sudden soil erosion that caused it to be buried while having lunch? which is more logical?

And fancy that, fossils are found on MOST of the mountains of the world, not just fossils, but sea creatures fossils..i wonder a great flood a plausible answer? You sure tectonic is the cause for all the mountains to once was underwater?

It took one small tsunami to beach a few thousands fishes...imagine a worldwide flood.

How about this?
this fossil is a tree trunk, which is called a polystrate fossils. It cuts across many strata. It was as if layers and layers of eartch slowly cover this standing tree...

wait a second, I thought dead tree don't stand? and even if it is alive, it took millions of years to cover it and it can stil stand, alive???
I thought trees will decay and fall down? I think it is normal to see a horizontal tree trunk in a forest which is dead right?

Or is it because a large flood with a great force was able to push this dead tree vertical onto some rocks or earth and buried that way? which one is more plausible?

4) In fact, many terrain and landmarks points towards the possibility of a great flood.
This is Ayers rock in somewhere in the middle of Australia..intersting, it seems like for a very flat Australia which is mostly desert and plains, suddenly this rock stands there...

God: "Well, let put this rock there in the middle of Australia and make humans wonder why is it there..they will figure out why"

This is the 12 apostles (some rocks) in Melbourne. If there is chance we visit this landmark, make sure to ask the tour guide, "hmmm....when was the water that high to actually carve out these rocks?"

In fact, there is only 8 of the 12 that is still standing. Why? because these rocks are make out of limestone, which cannot withstand water. Are they form through millions years? or because of a sudden force of a flood that actually carved it? Which is more plausible?

In fact, almost every nations and tribes has a flood story. They once talked about a flood, although the way the flood comes is different, (Aborigines talk about god peeing on the world...@@). It's in a lot of folklore.

Even Tibet, the highest dwelling civilization has a flood story..

On Mars, the Pathfinder space fearing satellite reported of a canyon like shape on Mars surface.

Scientist explanation: "perhaps there is once water there which will have the force to carve the canyon. Only a sudden burst of water at a great rush can do that"

<<Grand Canyon, scientist said it is carved millions of years by the stream of river. A mass flood? no no no, illogical! explain Mars..-.-

Besides, All rivers end with a delta, the river at the grand canyon don't end with a delta. hmmm...

5) Let's talk engineering

This is how you are to make it: the length of the ark 300 cubits, its breadth 50 cubits, and its height 30 cubits. -- Genesis 6:15

Fancy that! do you all know that 30:5:3 happens to be the most stable ship proportion? Prove to you by graph than!
Add caption

the graph of stability on the design of an ark base on the Gilgamesh Epic of the Mesopatamia literature

The stability of the Biblical ark


See the last graph? The ark is technically UNSINKABLE!!! WOW!!!! (Titanic loose liao) and in such ancient time, God already know it, He already know the science. Our God is the God over all our syllabus!

In fact, the ark cannot be a myth. The Bible tells that the ark landed on mount Ararat. and modern satellite image and hiking expedition (the story of why the ark is not retrieved is yet another long an jaw-opening story) actually found the ark!



True faith is not blind. God will never leave us without evidence of what He has done to let it be a constant reminder about His existence! Test the Bible, and you will trust and come to realize everything is logical. Science comes from God and God created science. but a lot of time, we humans thought that we are so much greater than God, we become ignorant. All subjects will definitely point to Jesus! definitely.

The story of Noah's ark reminds us that there is only one way to God

I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. He will come in and go out, and find pasture. -- John 10:9

Like how Noah's ark only have one door ( I believe God purposely do so), we are given one way and one way only to enter heaven and have eternal life..which is through God alone. And God put the story of Noah's ark to remind us that if God punished the ancient world for it's sin (homosexuality, abuse, murder, stealing, anger..etc etc), He will also do the same to us! What is stopping God? it is because of Jesus Christ who had taken our punishment. God will bring an end to all things, so ask yourself a question, are you ready when God judge the world again?

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. -- Jeremiah 29:13

Jesus was naked when he died on the cross for us, so let us also not be ashamed to confess our love for him~

That's all for this post. will post another one on how chinese words are related to christianity. Don't be afraid to approach any nearby Christian friend if you want to know more. God had put them there to help~!

I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things? -- John 3:12

I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”
So God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth.”-- Genesis 9:15-17