Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Letter to God--8

Oh how my soul longs for You
My LORD and my king
Lover of my soul
Never I want to let You go

In all situations and circumstances
Be the centre of my life
My eyes are set on You
Captured by Your saving grace
And Your loving patience.

My soul cries more of You
But my body rebel
Take me oh my LORD and King
Take me into Your presence
Where I find rest and fullness to my being
Do not let my body rebel
Do not let it bring me to ruins and destruction

Help me forever and ever
For I’m weak
But strong in You
Teach me Your ways
And also the emotions of a Psalmist
So that I will be close to Your heart

Do not let my foolishness break Your heart
And let not my ignorant and pride hinder me from You, my God
Who am I without You
Yet another meaningless being with no life

But let me be fruitful in You
To grow in passion and fire
And also in spirit and truth
My life is in Your hand
And Your right hand will guide me

Forever and ever,
You will be my God and I will be Your child
And nothing can separate us
Till the day You calls me home
I will live each day as a pleasing worship
That Your smile will be my joy

To my LORD and King.
Forever and ever~