Tuesday, August 16, 2011

After emo-ness

For some who don't know this yet, im gonna tell you right now:

I absolutely will get low low marks for my CM test this time.
I confirmed! Say thanks to my carelessness!

okay. fine. im emo.
then i went throught Hui Ying's blog.
And another friend's blog as well. (we aint close, but she's in korea nw)

Background info:
I can frankly say that i never get really really low marks for my tests and quiz.
I always wonder how those who always get low marks can bear with the pain at the heart there? Or they think its normal or okay for that?(*sorry no offense*)

Kmin shared me something which i dont really like to hear.
So the emo-ness continue.
After reading their personal stories, esp Hui ying's, God prompted me to move on.
For i shall not dwell in this stupid emo-ness and let this ruined me. For i have a terribly down spirit to continue doing my other things. Hui ying's posts, even though there are awful things happened to her, she continue praying and trust in the Lord. But me, just a little obstacles, and i'll give up and say Lord you aint helping me at all.

Maybe i really couldn't foresee even a single hit of God's plan for me right now. Maybe God wanna use me to have a testimony, maybe God thinks that i shouldnt be ambitious and trying my best to get good grades is something that doesnt really suit me, i dont know. Or maybe im having too little faith on God, n now God is testing my faith? Who knows.

But reflecting myself using others personal experience, there is something i lack of.
Patience and attitude.
Faith as well. I need to boost up my faith in Him to believe His promise, once again.

Dear brothers and sisters, i just to remind you guys: Dun be like me, blaming God after some stupid obstacles. It shouldn't be happening. If so, boost up ur faith! You have attitude problem!