Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Blessing and Recieving (9/8/2011)

I have make the decision to bless someone with dinner for a certain period of time from the money.

And was deciding to bless a person that I had in mind today, but the person rejected. So I decided to bless another person present which the person also rejected and I asked the 3rd one, the person also rejected. I then opened my decision to everyone around me but no one wanted to accept it.

What's wrong?????

Blessings? why no one wanted blessings. And then the thoughts come to my mind.

Agree with me or not, But we all Chinese don't like blessings (now that's contradicting). why? When we wanted to bless someone, often times, as a chinese, we would feel very weird. Like what's wrong (OMG rage face.jpg) and start to become errrr-ed or freak out. And most of the time, even a small little blessings, we reject it. A friend of mine said it is because of ego, like accepting a blessing=getting humiliated. Do we? Or is it because of the idea that receiving blessings means we must give back the same amount to that person, or we will be like owning the person and we feel so so so bad about it.

Is this the how it should be? shouldn't be receiving a happy thing? Are all humans suppose to live on their own? face everything their own? and to face problems alone? I saw one status today
Why are people even having this kind of thoughts? Selfish thoughts because of the lack of love of the world. well, at least this kind of things are prophesied.

Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, -- Matthew 24:12

I feel so sad nowadays, seeing the lack of love in people, where motivation is all self-centered and rooted in oneself. I should also reflect on myself when I say this. But this is what I feel.

But back to the point, the truth is, God wants us to receive. We are born not only to give, but to receive. Lets see the history of the early Christians:

All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. -- Acts 2:44
All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had. With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and much grace was upon them all. There were no needy persons among them. -- Acts 4:32

Imagine, there are no needy persons among them, everyone have everything in common. Imagine with me, There are no people who have any needs, all are content. Well, we might say they are crazy, but the thing is Christ do the same for us. He gave without holding back:

This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.  -- 1 John 5:14-15

God is a God of blessings, He wants to give, fancy this, He got more than 6000 blessings installed for us (try counting 50 blessings..I think you will need to crack your head). But the thing is, people, Christians or non-Christians alike, we are so not use to getting blessings. But God here says He wants to give and as Christians (or as humans), is nothing wrong for us to receive. We know how to give, but we don't know how to receive!

And perhaps that's why, a lot of people cannot accept the fact that Jesus die for us FOR FREE! Wants to save us from hell FOR FREE!! wants to give us a new life, a hope, a blessed life and wanted to bless and cover over us so that we don't need to worry about our future in Him...ALL FOR FREE!!! People cannot accept it, Now listen to this, this is one concept we must break, the concept of receiving if we work for it. The concept of every good things must be worked for, and nothing is free. No! these are just wrong, God said very clearly in the Bible:

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. -- John 3:16

It doesn't just mean we need to work for it, we just need to accept it. It's that simple, but yet many can't accept this good news. We underestimate the meaning and value of free gift. But back to the point, it is not a wrong, humiliating,stupid thing to accept people's blessing. Instead, we should fee blessed, for we are loved. Only when you are love, one can willingly gift you with no conditions. Think about it.

We must all learn to receive and not to feel bad or humiliated because of it. Don't try to repay blessings but accept it with a grateful heart and in turn give with a willing heart with the mindset that we just want to bless people. Cause, when we give, we give something more, we give love, we give love to others, and with love comes hope, with love comes changes in people for we humans are created to love and be loved. And the world is going the opposite.

And finally~
Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete. -- John 16:24

Remember, God wants to bless and want to give, so long we ask with the right attitude, we will receive~!
And when we pray to God, God will certainly, definitely answer. =)


p/s: As Christ love me and bless me, I want to love and bless too~!