Monday, November 29, 2010

Get Off The Shores!! (29/11/2010)

This is gonna be a short post...=D

This few weeks is a down the hill, sinking, free falling type of week. It seems like my spiritual life had reach a new level of rock bottom desperation and depression. Why? temptations and lack of self discipline and the constant fight between the body and soul to honor and not to honor God. I won't elaborate long, but it's definitely weeks of constant struggle.

But I'm glad is over. And like a phoenix, I'm sure I had resurface stronger and tougher. One thing I learn is that we should always be 100% submissive to the Spirit of God. Cause the enemy is at the door waiting for the slightest moment to strike. Unless we depend on the person that sees the whole picture, we will not be able to go on. And many times, self-discipline is what we need. God has different tasks and expectation from everyone and that's when people start to go wary because our body is always longing to return to the world. So, I'm sure everyone need self-discipline. To control~

And the second is perseverance. Had anyone ever watch WW2 movies of the US marines in the pacific? Often, when they perform amphibious landing on hostile territory, they will be constantly bombed, shelled and fired on in the open beaches. And how do you overcome, there is no turning back to the boats. So they have to push forward, forward to find their enemy and to get out of range of the artillery shelling. And that's exactly what we should do. Even though we are attacked or suffering, we must persevere, to find out the main problems that cause this and to bravely push ourselves forward to a better future. Only that way one can win. Set our eyes on the prize and trust me God's guidance, and surely all suffering will come to pass and we will emerge victorious and stronger.

Romans 5:3-4
Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.