Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Incoming Tsunami 7/11/2010

Let's put this thing at categories shall we. Love & Struggle

The season of love had entered, but for the worst. This is not a regular spring, but a rough spring. A new couple was form but I'm sure before everything settle down, there will still be some leftover effects to be solved. I pray that God will approve this relationship. Bless it and make it last! =D

And there are also the not so stable couples. At least two of the couples I know are in such state that I do really hope they will just give up to prevent anymore humiliating commotion, either to themselves or to all. What I think is that couples nowadays do start a bit early. Couples don't know each other well before starting and this often lead to either a premature end or a rough relationship which is the brewing place for troubles. As Christians, let us be a bit matured. Is better to be late but that does not mean one should always be late too, mind you. But like what a leader once said, be prepared mentally for a relationship. Is she the right one? is she suitable and compatible? Am I prepare to commit? Prepare to love like how Christ love the church? And be prepared to marry the girl one day if everything works out? Love each other, tolerate and be patience. For love require patience. Or else, if God love us but was not patience. Then I don't think I will still be standing. Be patience in any circumstances, don't be like North and South Korea, quarelling over matters that will be solved if one was able to put aside it's interest for a greater purpose and ending.

Be grateful that that someone loves you, but do not forget God. I was wondering about some couples who are actually Christian & Buddhist. Well, lets face the fact, one day we will need to face this problem. No matter how sweet one might become, in the end, all maybe lost because of this one problem. So it's better to settle it early. Relationships should honor God, should be something that are suppose to glorify God even more. Yes, we can enjoy each others company. But if God is not in this relationship, think of it, one day it might be a hindrance to your Christian life. For example, King Solomon, the wisest man on earth ultimately fall because of pagan women. A more modern case? My ex( church youth leader )was to resign because he intend to marry his partner of different faith. And guess what now? I heard rumors that they broke up, because they can't come to an agreement to have children because of this issue and the girl threaten to commit suicide if her husband don't comply. So lets get real, try to avoid the problem, but if we are in love, Pray that God will touch your partner heart. Well, that's exactly what I'm hoping for and that's why you still don't see any real initiatives from me. ;)

Recently, I heard my classmates talking about how they cheat in exams. The person was so frustrated at how the other was irrational when it comes to trying to get answer out of his friends. "Once, ok, but don't do it everytime at every question at the very beginning when I'm still thinking" said him. And he proceed to say how another classmate who was more rational and only wait until he had completed before asking. He also state one person who lift his exam paper high for the person at the back to see but was called by the graduate assistant to lay it a bit low.........Guess what, ALL the people mentioned inside except the GA are CHRISTIANS!!!!

Come on, we Christians are starting to shame God's face everywhere. I see Christians who are more easily angered than non Christians, I see Christians who complain more than none Christians, I see Christians talking bad of other Christians, I see cheating, I see emotional Christians, I see Christians who don't go for Sunday service, I see Christians who don't make an effort in studies and I see Christians who are despised by others because of these attitudes... Count those factors on top and see how many times God had lost face. I'm not saying that these Christians should be doomed or condemned, even I honestly speaking can't escape some of the list. But what I see is Christians who don't try their best, who are content the way they are and not planning to change.

Then tell me how can we see revival, how can you expect to even convince your friends to church with such attitude. So much times, we blame God because the person we pray for are stubborn before Christ. But let us reflect on our actions and see who we are from others perspectives. God had call us out of this world. And so, we should be light, easily differentiated. If we are just the same as others, then sorry, one cannot expect to see revival.

Revival start from ourselves, we must change, only we can bring change. And if we want to see friends getting save, better start to be MAD, make a difference. Be holy and pleasing before God. Even if it cause us to be feeling weird with others. Lets learn to be more concern of God's view of us then the world view of us. Be firm in faith, be sensitive to sins, be courageous in changing!

I tell you the truth, Christians must awaken, rise up IF one want to see revival in UTP. That's the fact....