Sunday, November 7, 2010

Here We Go again--

It's been a long time ever since I visited another branch of Protestant Church ; Methodist Church besides Pentacoastal churches. Well, atleast I'm trying to sit for the whole service unlike last time run away halfway before accept Christ. To be honest, I didn't feel that comfortable for the service even though i'm fine with listening in Mandarin because it's all Chinese characters everywhere and I'm BUTA HURUF CINA!!! During Praise and Worship, I tried singing in English at first but i found out it is practically weird...I was like LOL~ I'm quite lost half way because of sudden switching events in between, lukily I have a friend beside to guide me. There's a part i LOL'ed because they ask to sit then stand after 2 sec...I was like huh??O_O?!??... I find there preaching not bad, through it's not English but it's absolutely fine. However, there's a very serious matter occured in the church. I saw many brothers and sisters of Christ  (-.-)ZZZzzzzzzz during the sermon. Oh come on, it's not that bored~
No wonder revivals has been slow all these time,they are not "awake"... My dear brothers and sisters, let's sharpen our sword and tighten our amor of God to prepare ourselves for future war. We don't have much time left brothers and sisters...Please be AWAKEN~