Thursday, November 4, 2010

With Everything 5/11/2010

For All Your sons and daugthers, who are walking in the darkness, You are calling us to lead them back to You
--Tear Down the Walls (Hillsongs)

The pass two days (including todays), I met people who are hardened before God, who are reluctant to even to listen to testimony of God. One was ignorant when it come to music; One is ignorant when it come to knowing God, even with revival happening around his friends back in his hometown; One is ignorant in accepting God's characteristics in our lives; One has ignorant parents who will reject Christian girlfriends and one that keep feeling lost in his life.

This is something which start to keep remind me of our general calling, to stand in the gap, between the living and the dead. Simple to say but hard to actually start conversing and evangelizing. And this just remind me of my burden. Friends that are not safe. Although I still find it hard to actually to shed tears for the lost, but I pray that God will reinvigorate me with Passion and Fire and to be more concerned off those lost.

My vision & mission
1. I want to die only after I see all my friends confirmed saved.
2. Grant me the revival of UTP!!
3. I want to see Chancellor Complex to become a place to worship God one day..

A burden to bear, a life with a purpose, Christians! Time to awaken! Time to rise up for God! To share the Glory of Our God! Be strong and courageous like Joshua, be humbled like Jesus, Be filled with wisdom like King Solomon. With everything, go all out for God. Rise up, oh ye destined generation for God!!

Pray hard to God, don't let our fire die down. So long we have the passion, we can bring unspeakable changes...=D By faith I claim this promise.

Thanks God for my Digital Electronic I project. Thank Him for His wisdom and thank Him for guiding my way in the project. I design everything from zero; displayed seven segment and was successfully able to run the project! Others modify taken senior idea, can only display in binary form and is still working on the project! Praise God for His wisdom and His might in helping me to accomplish most of my things (especially the project) ahead of my planned schedule. Thanks God for everything! =D