Wednesday, December 8, 2010

MNC 12/9/10

Whoo!! My first MNC and it was in Penang my hometown. So it won’t be right if I didn’t join right? Haha. But thank God I join because I had learned a lot during the convention. Before coming to the convention, I only had one hope that is to get my fire back on. But it seems that God had given more than I asked. Praise God!! (This is quite a long post…hahax)

I enjoy the worship a lot. I mean seriously a lot. Rarely will you have the chance to express. Most of the time is due to fear and shyness that others might be looking. But God reminded me of a point while worshipping. Worshipping is just between you and God. So we should not care about how people view us, but how God see us. So when we praise, just dance just go all out in worshipping. Be like King David, who danced without care of his status of King when the Ark of the Covenant is returned to Jerusalem. An all-out praise and worship to God is pleasing in His eyes for sure. I do hope that I can keep it up. :D cause I do know that it will be quite awkward if the whole congregation is standing while you are jumping. It requires great faith and courage, but it is how we should worship. 100% in worship~

Vision & Mission
During the worship session, I once saw a flower upside down. It stem faced towards the heaven, it’s flower to the earth. I think God is trying to tell us is to give the fruits, the best, the out pouring of blessings to the earth. Let the seeds fall on earth. But for the stem, let our ‘nourishment’, our dependence be from God. Nutrition (bible and prayer) from God, blessings to the earth.

I also realized another thing; this one is actually more for my church in Penang, for my youth group. But I think I can share it here. In summary, God wants us to be serious, ( I mean seriously serious) to really come before Him and pray and intercede for His will. God won’t use a church/individual/live group who don’t pray to start a revival. We all should have known that it is only through God that we can do it, not by mind, not by strength, but by the power of the Holy Spirit. We need to pray in unity, pray with a common vision, pray with desperation and expectation. Only then, God will start to reveal His plan to us.

I really for the first time felt like a family in soooo many churches. 1500 people gather together for a common vision. I really felt all of us had a common enemy. The lessons are good and I can’t help to notice that we are keep requested to pray for our leaders. And I remember I wrote inside the notes, that leader are often discouraged, lonely and need to be strong……..How about let’s not have this happen. Let’s support our leaders! Bro Chee Lim =D and all live group leaders. I learned that we need to share their vision, impart them as our own and fight together as ONE. Let’s not let bro Chee Lim cry in the corner. Haha! Come on~! Let’s unite as one to bring souls for Christ. That’s our vision right? Haha ;)

2011—Year of Hope
I felt something, ONE was the theme for 15th MNC, ONE is also the them for A4J this year. All are talking about revival, igniting and mobilizing the Christians to rise up! I won’t call that coincidence, cause I also received a project from God to start to unite the churches and Christians in UTP to start a prayer group. It’s time all of us start rising up as ONE. 2010 is a year to gather God’s people. Im sure 2011 is the year to start going out to do God’s work. To put things into action! Whooo!! Thinking of it is getting me excited..haha…Let’s go!! I can’t wait for 2011. A year of Hope~~!