Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Dreadful deeds

Urgh, it's been stressful weeks for me these days. Not about relationships, work, finance and etc...but main thing that only can stress me is academics~ This is because i've failed in answering most of the questions appeared in my test paper; Geological Mapping Technique. Thanks to the Holy Spirit, it calmed me down for quite sometime...That's not the story of it, the main point is I've hurt God's heart once again T_T by doing someting that makes him displeasure. Now i'm filled with guilt due to the sin that i've commited. I felt more sad than failing my paper now and I feel God is one step further away from me. I know how painful it is when someone you love hurt you~ I tried my best all these while to endure to ressist it, but then as the human's nature of sinning, I can;t believe I did it AGAIN =(. Elden shared with me a verse; Leviticus 15:1-33. Though it says we won't be clean for a certain period of time, instead I took the whole small chapter as source of encouragement to repent and not to repeat the sin again~ Within the time of "unclean" I will try my best to cling on God as I wont lost in Faith. I believe by Faith that one day I will be able to oversome this sin as I will declare
God is my victory~

Sorry Lord for the sin that I have done... Please Forgive me~