Monday, November 1, 2010

Burdens 2/11/2010

I'm sure that it's not only me that is bogged down by assignments, tests, quizzes, final exams and projects at this final week of the lecture. And throughout the last week and also this week, everything just revolve around two words for me. First is burden. Second is submitting.

How do we define burden? Something that is not done in our comfort zone i guess. And most of the time, the problem of me/us nowadays is the attitude of countering burden. When we feel free and easy, it's so easy to say, God you take control, God you are my strength, God you are good etc etc. But when we start to feel the weight of our burdens, and for me, is just the projects and homeworks to do, It just get harder to say those things that I mentioned just now. We start focusing on our things, trying to get it done, but most of the time, we forget God.. And that will lead to depression, stress etc etc. And only then we come to God. Human nature isn't it? We tend to put God as the last resort, at the hopeless situation's solution/the only-to-be-use-when-all-seems-lost situation. But God is good, when we come back to Him, He will help us, since He is never far away, but only us that is far away from Him. But let's try our best to skip the last resort action type of habit. =D

One thing that I start to realize is what is meant by submitting. Submitting means to surrender fully, 100% to God. Very easy to be said, but how about apply. Just last week, I forgot how, but I was in such a situation that I'm unable to finish or get myself ready for the Circuit Theory test 3. The killer subject. Thank God for reminding me to rely on Him. And when I rely on Him, it's sounds something like this that time. God, tomorrow the test I submit myself wholly onto you. I am under prepared, but with You, anything is impossible, Please help me to finish my test well tomorrow. And so, by God's grace, I was able to answer almost everything in the test paper and some with confident also. So, you see, God's grace is always there if we submit to Him. And what I mean by submitting now is that you still continue to believe that God will guide you, even though in human mind set, the goal is so impossible to achieve and to believe in His promise to guide us. Now that's submitting. =D

Burden in rest, submission required
Matthew 11:28--Come to me those who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. This verse was mentioned in church, by God's wisdom by reading the bible for lots of time this week. And a recent video carry me also reminds me that God's burden. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light--Matthew 11:30. So what it meant is that we put our burdens, our worldly burden to God, all those killer projects etc etc. And we exchange it for another yoke, a Godly one, which is to do His job. How to say His job, it's to love, to stay optimistic, to have the fruits of the Spirit, to be concerned about the lost and also our personal burdens and God-sized assignments. As we focus on God's assignments and tasks, surely God will reward us with others cause we sure know that God will reward our sowing a hundered folds. Amen to that! =D

So, one thing I wanted to learn is to be submissive in all situation, to be optimistic in all problems and hopelessness, rejoice and give thanks in god in everything, Speak in tongue more to praise and also to let the Spirit take control, and also to be reinvigorated by God's fire and passion for revival. I must not forget God's imminent revival in UTP. It's getting blurred this day. It's time to refocus on God. ~turn your eyes, upon Jesus...~

Joshua 1:7--Be strong and courageous, Be careful to obey all the laws my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or left, that you may be SUCCESSFUL WHEREVER you go.

God bless and HIS will be done! Amen!!