Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Awakening (11/11/2010)

Basically, I learn a lot today. The past few days, I was in a very not in shape condition. It was like my passion for God is being sipped away. Reason? I think it's because of lack of forgiveness and worrying too much. I always worry about my results. Not because I want good results, but the pressure comes from the fact that I always think that result is an important way to glorify God and I always putting myself at the place where I must score the best. And when I epic failed anything, I would start to get grumpy and stressed up with God.

But thanks to Bro Khay Min video today, I finally realize one thing. The reason why we thanks God. It's not because that we get good grades, not because we have good health, but because of one reason alone. He's good. He saves us, being always close to us and was forgiving and loving. So why shouldn't we praise God even if we get low grades in examinations? I realize that God main priority is not to let people know God because of some Christians getting high grades..This might induce the idea that believe in God and you will get high grades...this is not true! But scoring good grades is actually a stepping stone to introducing the values of God into people's life. To introduce love, wisdom and ultimately, the power of salvation to the loss. It's not by our results but by the touch of God that people are saved. So I must start putting away the perception of scoring very good grades is the way of glorifying God...=D

The other thing that I realize is during the prayer meeting. Bro Chee Lim talked about dry bones and the passage regarding it at Ezekiel. We have the gift of prophesying by God. Not the big scale one such as predicting a Tsunami or H1N1 outbreak. But even a simple detecting by the Holy Spirit the condition of someone can be considered prophesying. So lets start prophesying by the Spirit! =D

As I read the passage, I sense something. I sense two different meaning in dry bones. One is the lost souls which is actually empty and lifeless inside and the other is actually sleeping Christians who are not awakened...And I believe God wants me to be the person to start the awakening of both the lost and sleeping...I can only believe by faith if this is true, but by faith, I want to do this job.

During the prayer meeting, I believe I got another vision from God. If you all know about my vision about the wall of fires, I think it's time to enter the next phase. I saw a battering ram breaking through the city gate. The gate towards the lost souls is breaking, it's time to tear down the wall and capture the city for God, to bring people to God, or in more simple words, I think God wanted me to step out of comfort zone and start to talking about God!! I can't deny, but I need lots and lots and lots of courage in this...

And there was after the prayer meeting, I told Chee Lim about my symptoms of backsliding and how I was getting blurred of my vision and assignment. And he told me that actually, when God give you a job, you don't aimed at completing it directly. God will start to change us, to mature us to the point that we are able to complete our mission and most of the time, God will train us up, to bring us out of the comfort zone and to mold you to be 'qualified' enough to finish the race...

In short, It's time for me to do something new, hopefully God is able to give me the courage that I need or the right situation to do so...God is worthy! Amen!