Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Managing Misunderstanding

In this world, misunderstanding is everywhere, anywhere, big scale, small scale, anytime, dangerous, deadly..destroying friendship, sparking wars, frustrating plans, destroying the church, the last thing we want to see is a bitterness between brother and sister, although it may start small, the effect can be disastrous as a foothold for the Devil to crumble the church. So it's important we learn how to manage misunderstanding.

Managing Misunderstanding
(Joshua 22:9-34)

1. Assess the seriousness of the matter (v 10-12)
                1.1 Do not ignore or turn away from the problem (v11)
                1.2 Act as soon as possible (v12)
                1.3 Have the correct biblical response

2. Send the right people (v13-15)
                2.1 Choose the appropriate people (v13-v14)
                2.2 Set the right atmosphere
·         With love
·         With friendliness
·         Acceptance
·         Reconciliation
·         Clarification

3. Focus On The Issue (v16-18, 20-27)
                3.1 Be objective, not subjective
                3.2 Gather the facts
                3.3 Ask, not accuse
                3.4 Guard your emotion

4. Offer Solutions or Alternatives (v 19)
                4.1 Offer help, Give Solutions or Alternatives

5. Maintain an Open Mind (v 21-29, 30-32)
                5.1 Not to have wrong or narrow preconceived Idea
                5.2 Not to win at all cost
                5.3 Not to have closed mind or stubbornness