Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Intimidation (27/12/12)

Intimidation can come from two source, it can come from

1. circumstances
2. people

circumstances is like when Peter looks at the waves when walking on water, intimidated, he started to sink. People is when we are intimidated by words of others.

Intimidation will caused the gifts of God in us to go dormant (ineffective)
Intimidation can cause us to be unable to hear God

Peter, when he walked on waves was intimidated by the waves and the gift of God in him to walk on water went dormant, he begun to sink.
Elijah, when he was intimidated by Jezebel, ran away and never heard God spoke to him until after 40 days and 40 nights.

Symptoms of intimidation are confusion, depression, hopelessness, lost of vision or in short melancholic and pessimistic attitude. The root of these is fear. Deal with the root.

Intimidation --> fear -->paralyze faith-->gift of God empowered by grace to go dormant --> inability to fulfill God's will effectively --> not fruitful life --> Devil succeeded

For God had not give us a spirit of timidity(intimidation), but of power, love and a sound mind.-- 2 timothy 1:7

power+love+sound mind = boldness = 100% effectiveness of functioning in God's gifts