Sunday, December 4, 2011

Extraordinary Attitudes

 When we talk about Christians no doubt that we are ordinary people who walk among the prebelievers, but what makes us special are the extraordinary beginning and our extraordinary attitudes. For us to make an impact or to be the salt and the light of the world, we do need extraordinary attitudes. And yes, YOU CAN BE MORE THAN JUST ORDINARY by having these attitudes! This book of Ruth teaches us some extraordinary attitudes as well:

1. Loyalty Beyond Duty  (Ruth 1: 14-18)
How do you define the words duty and loyalty when they come across your mind? According to the dictionary, the word duty defines as an act comes from a sense of moral obligation while the word loyalty defines abut an allegiance to a person or something. In an easier way of understanding, duty says “ought to” but loyalty says “want to”. In verse 16-17, we are able to observe Ruth’s extraordinary loyalty whereby she continued and persist to stay with Naomi until the end. In the old testament, a deceased man’s wife will be inherit by the kinsman redeemer, but if there’s no kinsman redeemer to inherit them, they will be” released” for fulfilling their responsibilities. Ruth would have left her mother-in-law like Orpah [her sister-in-law] did, but she did not. Instead, she even begged Naomi not to urge her to leave Naomi and said “Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.  Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the LORD deal with me, be it ever so severely, if even death separates you and me.” Therefore, in application of this verse in our relationship with God, God appreciates a person’s sense of duty but He prefers a deep loyalty over duty. An example to illustrate this point is a relationship of a husband and wife, do you get married just because to fulfill the sense duty of a boyfriend or because you are deep in love and loyal to your spouse? Brothers and sisters, duty [serving ministry] alone won’t go far and cause you to worn out even faster in life, BUT loyalty will get you further. Through loyalty, we will stick with God and able to have a genuine relationship with God. God will reveal His heartbeat to His people whom He closes with.

2. Courageous Proactiveness (Ruth 2:2-7)
Proactiveness brought a definition of acting in advance to deal with an expected difficulty; anticipatory where courage (also bravery, boldness, fearlessness, mettle, fortitude, or intrepidity) is the ability to confront, fear, danger, pain,uncertainty, or intimidation. Courage will mostly function or work when there’s a situation prompt us to be, but proactiveness is based on our own initiative. Ruth has shown her courage and proactiveness in verse 2- 7. She was proactive in seeking for food for Naomi and herself despite being a stranger in the land and depending on other people for survival. Do remember always that a person can be courageous and not to be proactiveness and vice-versa. For this, we need to have the conviction in our own and the holy spirit to change our heart, because through His spirit and His strength (power) we are able to change our character [2 Timothy 1:7]. Brothers and sisters, does this strikes you that you need to have both; courage and proactiveness simultaneously in our life?

3.  Postured in Humility (Ruth 2: 10-13)
Ruth showed her humility in verse 10, where she bowed down with her face to the ground greeting Boaz the owner of the land she is gleaning. Besides, in verse 13 she said “May I continue to find favor in your eyes, my lord,” she said. “You have put me at ease by speaking kindly to your servant—though I do not have the standing of one of your servants.” In this verse we realized that she knows her identity as foreigner who came from Moab; she acknowledges and respects the owner of the land (Boaz). Through  verse 13 we also know that humility is the key of finding favour in people’s eye. Pastor Wilson shared the three types of humility. The first type of humility is called the “poor humility” where an individual felt a sense of inadequacy and inferiority. Normally this humility will be shown by an individual where he/she is in the disadvantage situation. For example, Gideon in the book of Judges; “Pardon me, my lord,” Gideon replied, “but how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family” [Judges 6:15]. The second type of humility is called “rich humility” is demonstrated by Abraham whereby a proper sense of who we actually are before God. And finally, the last type of humility is called the “fabulous humility” where we maintain a humble attitude with determination and discipline in order to submit to God. In conclusion to this point, God will find favour in us and all of our deeds for Him when we postured in humility. I know sometimes is difficult to be humble especially you are someone in the society either big or small, it is always easy to humble when you are nobody.

4. Untiring Diligence (Ruth 2: 7, 17-18)
In these verses, the bible is trying to portray Ruth harvested diligently from morning to night. She not only harvested the barley, but she also went the extra mile to process it until was in a usable form. I believe God is trying to speak to us through the bible that we have to work diligently and He is looking for diligence in each individual. And I also believe that He is looking for people who are willing to be used by Him as a vessel and being sent into the harvest field. Though sometimes we are being rejected by the people/the community when spreading the gospel, it is God they are rejecting not you. Furthermore, do not be discouraged by those circumstances because you have not FAILED , BUT YOU HAVE FOUND WAYS THAT ARE NOT WORKING! So never give up in any course, as treat them as a process to grow~

5.Trusting & Principled Obedience (Ruth 3: 1-9)
When is the last time you ever said “I will do whatever you say” with full of faith and without questioning God in whatever God is asking you to do? In the bible; the book of Ruth 3: 5-6, Ruth obediently trust Naomi with full of faith and without questioning Naomi in the tasks she is asked to do. She said “I will do whatever you say,” Ruth answered.  So she went down to the threshing floor and did everything her mother-in-law told her to do.” Ruth entrusted her future into Naomi’s hands, trusting and following everything as Naomi instructed. We too, can respond to these two verses by obediently trust God’s decision, obeying and carry out everything God has asked us to do. During the service, Pastor Wilson shared about the ways obedience can be imparted in an individual. Obedience can be forced externally, out of duty, principled and can flow out of trust.

God looks for loyalty, courage, proactiveness, humility, diligent and obedient sons and daughters. Brothers and sisters, our God is an extraordinary God where He is able to do extraordinary things through ordinary people that willing to submit and follow Him fully.