Tuesday, January 25, 2011

When God moves (25/1/11)

Recently experienced, feel and see how God had started to move, either in my hometown church or at the university. 

In my hometown church, My vision is fulfilled when the youths in V Change start to see prayer and reading the Bible as something important in their lives. I hope they still haven't forgotten the importance of doing so. But as they start praying, God start to move, I sense God moving among V Change and sooner or later, people will start to come and know God through the youth group. Keep it up guys~

In UTP, it's very amazing at how sudden everything is evolving. People started to come and know more and more about God or at least to stir. For example:
1. Pei Shin -- She agreed to follow Khay Min to church after some persuasion and even heard and listen to us sharing the gospel to her. The amazing thing is she was touched by God during the Sunday worship to tears. That night, the Perak State christmas celebration also brings her even closer to God. She's only doubting a bit and having fear for her family's objection. But all in all, anytime now, she may just accept the LORD.

2. Derick -- His roomate Avalon had told us that Derick was actually being more and more open to the gospel, especially through musics. He's being starting to listen to more Christian songs lately.

3. Yik Chieng -- Well, he was a surprise to me when he say he wanted to fast DotA for the semester and is very determined to bring Wendy to church. It seems that God had awaken another person to do HIS job.

4. Wee Liang -- I think is because of my devotional practice that he also started his devotional practice.......errr...the wrong 1, of meditation, and intensifying his calligraphy writting on some Buddhism source. But I believe that what I do is more powerful than what he do because "we got a BIG God" -- Daphne Tiong

5. Yee Ling -- At least she did not reject directly a persuasion to be brought to church. =D

6. Wendy -- This one come as the most unexpected 1. as God put the burden on Yik Chieng to bring her to church, God is also doing work in her life. Out of no where, she is herself wanting to join the live group session this week...A two way work from God. Will she also be God's next fruit? who knows? For a strong Buddhist like her? God's work in her will be even more glorified! Amen!

Thinking of how God is moving is getting me excited to the point that I was getting some difficulty calming myself to sleep yesterday night. How happy would be for me to do God's work~

So that's how year 2011 gonna start? cool! the battle is intensifying, store up in your stomache while you still can because there's gonna be a lot of fastings coming as well as more intensified prayer against the Devil and for salvations! Time to embrace the motto -- 来一个,杀一个 in the church.. LOL!!! get what I mean right?