Sunday, January 30, 2011

Humble Miracles (30/1/11)

It was definitely the most morale boosting day of the week. In such a short time, God actually bring my friend, step daughter perhaps to know and finally accepted the LORD. Praise God! and to add to the expected surprise, another person accepted Christ in my church today.

I woke up today being prompted to bring the beads that I used to share the gospel to church and I was having this unusual bravery to decide without going through any logical thinking of evangelizing to the people that had came to church last week.

Cut the story short, at the end of the youth session (actually jst 1 of the 6 attended today), I finally mustered the courage to PURPOSELY ask him into the pastor's room (still a bit scared la, want pastor back-up me ;0). And with some introduction, we (pastor and me) shared the gospel to him....and PRAISE THE LORD again!!! He decided to accepted Christ!! Amen!! Let whole heaven rejoice...I was such a short time, with such simple sharing (this is the most simple way I ever shared the gospel)...I remember how clear his word  '愿意' was that moment. He make a sinners prayer, pastor lend him a Bible and I pray that the Devil will not take a way the seeds in his lives.

And there it was, first time evangelizing to someone unknown before, and I can say I finally understand what is the taste of it~

Awesome day, God saved Pei Shin, God saved Chun Lai and also God delivered Joshua Lim from his fear and hidden stress in his heart. and I must say, my fire was burning more and more!! =D God maintain it in me please~~

I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow -- 1 Corinthians 3:6