Sunday, January 30, 2011


31st Jan 2010 Monday Shady

Perhaps a step of courage is what i lack of?

Praise the Lord still!

Bro Avalon and Bro Elden have been urging me for this post for almost.....a semester? haha
here you are my brother.

Since come into UTP, have been worried about church i m going to attend, most of the bro and sis in penang knew that i m coming to tronoh perak for my degree persuing, 1st ever thing that they tell me is..

"remember to find a good church a.."

honestly, should i be pressure? but then seriously worry...btw, thanks to prayer from bro and sis, manage to know Bro. Elden through Bro Chun Hong who is my primary school friends, secondary school mate, Uni buddy...

Such a joke, bro. elden have been staying in penang whose his house is less than 10min driving distance from mine. A bro that share the same birthday as me (08.09.1991), and i never see this guy appear whether in farlim, paya terubong or even penang area. Thank God, at last i know him, and i believe is His plan...everything start in him, start in Hope....

I do not know Pentecostal, Evangelical, Methodist or Baptist....but i know, I am Charismatic...and Bro. Elden brought me to Hope Ipoh. Together in the car, Bro Avalon.

Have been an AWESOME experience with Hope, a church that full of passion towards Christ the Lord, a passion towards prayer, a passion towards the Word, a passion towards Love..

Joining the Sunday Servive have been an INTERESTING event, flooded with joy, filled by Holy Spirit, drowned in love all around. Though we dont have full band (drummer, pianist, bass guitar, keyboardist, dancer, electric guitarist, back up singer), but congregation is passionate, passionate about Christ. We worship in spirit, we proclaim the truth, we shout out His name, we claim His promise, we REJOICE in HIM!!!!

Regular live group in V4C common room also grow me a lot. Sharing of bible verses from Bro Christon had seriously brought me deeper into His Word, discovering His will. Together with Bro Elden and Bro Avalon, a buddy meeting had been a weekly occasion for me as well. Frankly, at 1st i do feel tired about this, thinking "argh...buddy meeting AGAIN..." but I do really thank God that bring me through this, overcome this....Spirit of lazyness, spirit of passionless for God..

Burn with the Fire of God is totally refreshing, awesome and wonderful.. it can really keeps you energetic even late in the midnight..p/s: dun eat kuih. haha...passion for Christ is so awesome and it really indescribable....we have been praying for each other prayer needs in buddy meeting, pray for salvation of the regular listed friends =), of course craps and sharing and help we three to know each other more and more and more...even build up our relationships, with each other, with God, we tends to trust each other more, share more until the time is out of our consideration....that why sometimes meeting can be conducted late in 1230am, till 2am...and no one is yawning for tiredness...haha...BURN!! BURN!!!

Recently, Sis Joey come to accept Christ in Hope Ipoh, what a significant day! 30th January 2011! the whole heaven is rejoicing!!! 1 Cor 3:6, a bible verse that would encourage all the intercessor i guess..."I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow." and seriously, me, Bro Elden and Bro Avalon and Bro YC were really rejoicing that God heard our prayer, and He let the seed grows...haha...Sis. Joey, Welcome to the family of Lord!!

"Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thes 5:16-18

"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" Phil 4:4

Love you Lord, Amen!