Thursday, October 21, 2010

Is Jesus Famous? -- 21/10/2010

How will you rate the popularity of Jesus in UTP? Out of 10 marks, how much you think Jesus deserve. Yeah, sure, everyone heard of Jesus, indirectly teasing of Christians always include: You becoming Jessus, Jesus will help him/her etc etc. But do people really know the saviour that came to earth 2000+10 years ago?

The prayer meeting of the day guess what? Only 3 people turned up. Brother Chee Lim, brother Christon and me! I even thought I was late, in fact I was. but when I got there, I only saw bro Chee Lim there with a bible in hand, a bag besides and guitar at the sofa. It's such a sad scene. . . Bro Chee Lim said, you want to know how passionate is the church? Don't see the numbers in sunday services, see the numbers in the prayer meeting. But like what Jesus say, two or three gathered together n my name, and I'm in the mist of them. And truly God was. We sing, we pray and we feel God's presence despite the number.

We pray for God's guidance, pray that God built His temple in UTP, pray that we put down our pride and lots more which I don't really remember. But I do remember about praying for Pik Wan and Sato's wedding. But back to the question, is God famous?

Oh how strong the Holy Spirit sigh when I saw people lost and trying to define their life,destined to be doomed. And how great my spirit sigh when I saw Christians friends succumbing to the world.. assignments, tonnes of events, wordly songs, computer games. It all leads back to one word, distractions. The youths need a vision. Need a passionate vision to move towards to.

I want to make a difference!!
I want to see revival!!
I want to change myself!!

Be strong and courageous, Elden. God never fails, proof? Avalon, Khay Min, Sze Kiet, Chee Lim and the vision-assignments to move towards to.

God, renew my love in you, I want to love you, love you to the greatest my heart can give, to the greatest I can spent. don't let distractions hinder me...