Friday, October 22, 2010

Holy Spirit, are you sighing?

I had so many titles for this blog running throughout the whole day...different titles....but in the end my affliction tilt towards this title. haha.

And so the title. I must say and I must admit, something is still wrong in me. Maybe it's the busy schedule or too much indulgence in certain things, perhaps in orchestra. But for sure the busy schedule is taking its toll on me. I was unable to concentrate and to spend time with God. But God's kingdom won't wait. I must start spending more time with God.

5 person turn up for the live group tonight. Christon shared about submitting ourselves to God in James chapter four. Honestly, I like brother Christon sharing. He capture and provoke my mind to think into a more deeper level. So often, we had forget about God, we had forgotten that our first love. Like how bro Christon said, God is not far from you, but it's us that is far from God. So true in that. So long a time since I had spend really a quite time, perhaps one hour to pray and sometimes to read the bible. But I won't have such time to do this in a short time, perhaps during the study week or after the projects. But I think I need to promise myself to really spend some quality time with God each day starting from tomorrow.

One line caught my heart from the sharing session. Your relationship with God is not a game. God want us to turn back to him, to get serious with him. And often, he gave knock knock calls on our spirit. Perhaps one of them is Wee Liang's breakdown today. His breakdown breaks me too. Seeing him in the darkness, trying to find a meaning of life, but end up nothing every time. It hurts my heart. My soul wept.

Love is like fire, I want to live a life that loves, Holy Spirit is nudging me. Telling me to get serious before God, revival is coming, there are still souls waiting to be safe and Godly assignments waiting. I want to equip myself, not by words alone. I WANT COMMIT IN ACTION...

But in everything, give thanks to God, I'm sure God teach us something new each day, take today, God taught me of getting behind him. in short shield of faith=Jesus. In every situation, trust in God, no matter how disastrous and hopeless the situation may look. I want to live an optimistic life, with all worries to God, living with a purpose, fearing no evil and living with His smile with me. Assignments won't take me down!!

I want to renew myself with God, to put Him as my first love. I LOVE YOU, GOD!!!!!