Wednesday, October 27, 2010

An Abundant Life 27/10/10

The pastor had been sharing about abundant life for the pass two sundays. Have we been practicing it? I hope I do cause I'm definitely sure I forgot about the sermon the moment I step back to my hostel. But thanks God that he still continue to remind me. Today we had our prayer meeting and the theme is an abundant life.

Abundant life in the spirit require us to submit ourselves fully before God, to be humbled so that God is able to lift us up. As we humble and submit ourselves to God, God will start to implement some changes in our lives and also start to work miracles in us. This is what I wanted to see. Most of the time, I just can't help it to be worried and be extremely pessimistic about all types of situation. Well, Pastor Sau Fong hit straight to the point at that with the parable of the sower. The thorny soil, where torns of worries and luxuries keep poking us. Inhibiting us from growing each day in God.

So, in short saying, to be worried is actually to hinder God's work in our life. ever thought of that? I thought of that but always forget that in daily life...Alzheimer disease? LOL!! But all those worries, for example, studies, future and even how to do God's will. That will be hindering us from coming closer to God. @.@

And bro Chee Lim state one thing that caught my attention the most. The fruit and the tree. Good tree bear good fruit, bad tree bear bad fruit. And God chopping of unfruitful trees and burning them. But I realized one thing today. That is gifts that God give us, the talents as well as God's assignments and calling and instructions are actually branches too. If we delee dalee or just don't get serious and fervent in using our talents or doing God's assignment, one day God's patience will run out and that particular gift or assignment will be withdraw from us, chopped off. God will say: "That's it, I will take this and give it to others and he will be doing YOUR part of my perfect plan. " And so we lost the chance to bear fruit for Christ. And we all know what unfruitful trees end up right?

So lets not be discouraged or fearful of our assignment in Christ and also our worries in life. Just do our best and leave the rest to God. All worries to Him, and all remember, all glory to Him too for it is by His power that we complete God's usually mysterious plan in great abundance. What we need to do is, just to be optimistic, submit ourselves to God and be ready to do God's will..=D