Thursday, January 12, 2012

Love Letter to my Dear

Oh LORD have mercy
God most high,
For Your nature is love,
Your anger last awhile
But Your love last forever

Show us Your grace
Shower us with is that we may be filled
Empower us with Your grace
That we may go the distance

LORD let Your light shine forth through us
Eventhough we dwell in the counsel of the wicked
LORD teach us Your ways of righteousness
That all may see and praise You

God You alone are worthy
In all seasons
When I fail and when I pleases You
Your love for me never changes

God You alone are worthy
Even if my attention wavered
My love divided
You never forsake me

LORD I will run after You all of my life
I will seek Your face forever and ever
No love satisfy me more than Your love for me
Even when I do not feel it, You still fill me

I yearn for Your love, Your filling
I yearn for a loyal heart to You, a steadfast love
A day in Your house is better than a thousand days elsewhere
And in Your arms of love will I find true rest

May it pleases You oh LORD
My love, my devotion, my actions
LORD make me steadfast in You
For falling in love with You is what I desire for
A love so deep, so sweet, so pure, so full
Before my steadfast love for Her, may I have first a steadfast love for You

Love me more, my dear
Make me drunk in Your love
That the earth may pale to Your love
A steadfast love is my petition
A passionate heart is my request
For You and my dear LORD alone