Monday, January 9, 2012

Embracing Change to Experience Life

As I was listening to a sermon by my hometown’s church pastor; Rev. Christopher Mun with the topic of Embracing Change to Experience Life, I was prompted and convicted by the Holy Spirit to share what I’ve heard and learnt. As we stepping from the year of 2011 into the second week of the year 2012, probably there are 3 questions that you should ask yourself in this New Year.
a)    How different you were when in the second week of the year 2011, compared to 2012? Are there any changes in areas of your life?
b)    How much of you are new when the year 2011 passed and come into 2012?
c)    How different are you by the end of the year of 2012?

Indeed, everyone has new resolutions and desires to change to be better in the areas you probably weak in; ministry, academic, career, finances, and etc…Sometimes we as believer struggle upon the abundant lives that God given to us. In John 3: 16, God promises an eternal life. The word eternal life is the same word as abundant life! How come in the Lord we supposed to have abundant life, eternal life yet we are still we not living at the stage of our lives where God has promised for you and I? What is abundant life? Abundant life is a life full of blessing, provision, healing, protection, inheritance, His presences, peace, joy and excitement. Each of us should enjoy the abundant life in Christ while we are on earth before returning to our Heavenly Father. Christian life is not boring, in fact should be full of excitement because we still can rejoice and having peace in the Lord no matter what happen in the world or react.

One of the basic purposes of the Church of Jesus’ Christ today is to be a positive transforming agent in the lives of people. People experience a change, development, growth, excitement and full of God’s Kingdom has for you and me when we invited the Lord as the personal savior in our lives as they visited the House of God. People of God today need a change so that we can grow closer to Jesus. We cannot grow closer to Jesus unless we are in “motion” where we make the decision to grow closer to the Lord.

In 2 Corinthians 3:16-17 says But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.  Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. I believe the Lord ask us to “unveil our faces” or not to hide or cover the part of our lives that we needed God to change.  We should open ourselves; in the areas of our lives to let God to change. The spirit of God will not forcefully change us because God has given us the “freedom” to choose. Unless we “ move” together and cooperate together, nothing is changed because we have refuse/stopped God to let Him touch us by hardening our heart! Some of us sometimes insisted to change the “failure areas” with our own strength, but I can tell you that man made changes without heart conviction does not last. In verse 18, And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. As the areas of our lives changed, where we are in the process of becoming Christ-like, it reflects God’s glory; that glory that never fades in our lives. People will be able to see God’s glory through us and it will reflect God’s characters as well as we are being transformed into His image.

Therefore, brothers and sisters it is never too late to do what is right. Ask of God to change you into a vessel that can be used by Him; a living sacrifice that has a lifestyle pleasing in His eyes. Make a prayer and ask God to change you into someone He wants you to be today~