Saturday, January 28, 2012

Is God Unfair?

Have you ever felt in a situation where you know that you don’t deserve such treatment and outcome even though you follow the commands and decrees of the Lord? When that situation comes, think of Job; a character that found in the book of Job. Job was a man who is blameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil [Job1:1] and he had undergone many underserved treatment. First, raiders stole his belongings and slaughtered his servants. Then fire from the sky burned up his sheeps, and a mighty wind destroyed his house and killed his sons and daughters. Finally down with a horrible, painful disease. “What did I do to deserve such suffering?” he wailed.

 Job was involved in a cosmic test, a test proposed by Satan staged on earth. Satan claimed that people like Job love God because of His abundant blessings and the good things He provides. Satan challenged God that Job’s faith would melt away along with his riches and health and proclaimed that Job would surely cursed God  [Job 1:10-11]. In such extreme test of faith, the “best” man on earth suffered the worst calamities. Nevertheless of all Job’s calamities, Job not only did not curse God but he also struggled to do what is seemed impossible to him: to keep on believing in a loving and fair God. God has “distant” and silent Himself from Job and tested Job’s faith.

Sometimes in our life we face situations like Job, our world seems to crumble apart and turned to colorless. Nothing makes sense anymore and you are tired of everything! God seems to be “distant” and silent. At such moment of crisis, each of us is put on trial. We became actors in a contest staged on earth just like the one Job went through.  Beyond all crisis, Job did what is seemed impossible to; believing, rooting himself in a loving and fair God, did not curse God. What about us today? What are we rooting ourselves in? Will we be able to keep our mouth from cursing and swearing God saying God is unfair? Surely God cannot be unjust.  Don’t blame God; instead praise Him for protection and life that He has planned for you. Let us not allow the circumstances to control us but let God to take hold of every circumstance that we have. At times God will “distant” and silent Himself so that we will call upon His name; rely on Him so that we will grow through life and to test our faith. God never ever abandon us because He has promised to be with us always. Everything happened must have its own reason.

In conclusion, let not our faith fade away as we face calamities. Let’s continue to love God sincere and genuinely, not only because of His abundant blessings and the good things He provides. Sometimes we don’t see and understand why we’re going through such a difficult time, but we should submit to the pain that we go through even if you don’t understand it and rely on God . Do remember that not all suffering comes as punishment; a person’s trials , in fact may be used to win a great spiritual victory. God can use suffering to improve a person, if it is received in the right spirit. The Lord blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the first [Job’s life before the catastrophes].  God has the power to give and take.