Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A stroy of Reminder~

Kenneth's story by Ps Christopher Mun,
Observe the conversation below.

The story begins with  a father asked his son to remove a huge boulder which blocked their way one day:

Father: Son, go remove the block of boulder.
Son    : Sure dad....

The young man muttered all his courage and strength to lift it up, but it was a failure...
Son    : It's too heavy father, I can't do it~
Father: Yes you can my boy.

He tried again once again and it failed again...
Son    :  Told you dad, I can't do it.. 
Father:  Nevermind son, I know you can do it!
Son    :  No matter how hard I try I will never able to carry & remove the boulder, it's
             too heavy!
Father:  I'm standing next to you all the time and you didn't even ask help from me.
             Ofcourse no matter how much strength you use, you still can't lift it. You did
             not even use your full strength yet because you have not call me to help you~

1) Seek God for strength and guidence no matter what are we facing.
2) God is always waiting for us to seek him anytime.
3) God wants us to rely on Him.
4) God is everything; "Power house",  Provider, Saviour, Healer and etc...