Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Letter to God-5 (Passion)

Burn me oh LORD with your passion
You wash me over with Your anguish
at the unstirred, the hardened, the slumbering,
You anguished me with Your heart.

How long have You waited,
Your patience never seems to run out,
shaming me of my impatience,
convicting me of my foolishness,

Oh LORD, let me see from Your eyes,
Your wisdom is considerate,
Your love is patience,
But yet you convict me of urgency

Nothing can express the pain from seeing the ignorance
Nothing can express the hurt from seeing the hardened
Nothing can express the sorrow of seeing the lost
Nothing can express the anguish from seeing the undevoted

Consecrate me, my LORD, my GOD
make me pure in Your standard
That I may stand guiltless in Your presence
Upright like a soldier ready for battle

Make not my heart conform to standards of the world
But make my heart a pleasing sacrifice to Your will
Bound me in Your law and standards to me
But set me free in the spirit so I can testify

Arouse again my burning passion,
Your glory let it be shown,
As Your name stand in Your banner that fly proud in this land.
For I long to discharge Your anguish in me

LORD, You know, You see
I submit myself to You,
That Your love will wash over me,
And I will once again see Your mighty works

Do not forsake my friends out there
Do not forsake those slumbering inside
Do not forsake those who are blinded by the world
For I yearn for Your awakening, in me, in them

And I will go the distance,
For my friends,
For Your kingdom glory,
I am willing..