Thursday, May 26, 2011

Wall of Fire II (27/5/2011)

I was pondering, worrying, hurting, trying to overcome something in my own life which I forsee but is helpless to overcome..and suddenly, I remembered the series vision that I had.

Let me elaborate a bit, God is unique in his vision in my relationship with Him. Every time where a new season, or a new stage in life is gonna come, God will let me see a wall of fire. Let me elaborate even more:

The 1st time the vision appear is before my awakening, God show me the 1st wall of fire, and He challenged me to cross it and He promised greater things ahead of that wall and the fire won't hurt me. the 2nd time the vision appears, I was nearer to the wall, maybe just below it and God is telling me I'm near and challenging me to cross again. The 3rd time happens after my self-awakening. I know I had crossed the wall, the wall of awakening fire and God show me another vision, there was another wall of fire ahead further away. And the gap between had the word "Devotion".

And now, the 4th time it appeared. And I was below that wall of fire. Am I ready to cross it? what has God installed to me behind that wall? I'm curious and I'm eager to cross it. But one thing is for sure, there is a change and a different stage of life coming to me. I'm ready~