Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It All Starts with God

Finally I'm able to find some time to read my new book Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren after struggling over my busy schedule. Well i'll be sharing on what i have learnt on "What is the purpose of our in life" based on daily basis (hopefully). Chapter 1 indeed starts with a strong impact of verse.

For everything, absolutely everything,
above and below, visible and invisible,...
everything got started in him and
finds its purpose in him.
(Colossians 1:16) [msg]

The first sentence immeadiately this verse; "It's not about you" caught my attention  because most of them will ask "It's my life, if it's not me, then who?". Life is indeed far greater than our own personal fulfilment, peace of mind, or even your own happiness. Is there life more than these? Ofcourse we do have more than those in our lives! Everyone is born by HIS purpose and for HIS purpose. Most of people just puzzled around for their purpose of their existence in their life and they never find it. That is because they always begin with the self-centered questions like "What do  want to be? What should I do in future, my goals, ambitions and etc...Focusing on self-centered questions will definately get you no where. You will not be able to discover the purpose of your life by looking within yourself!!

Try thinking the purpose of our life begins with God, your creator. We exist today because of God wills that you exists. You were made by God and for God – until you understand this, life will never make sense. It is only through God, we are able to discover our self; our identity, meaning, purpose, significance and destiny. You may try other paths, but all will just lead to a dead end. Many people often try to use God for their own self-actualisation, resulting doomed to failure. Life is about letting God to use you for his purpose, not using him for our purpose.

One thing we have to bear in mind is that being successful in life and fulfilling your purpose is not the same!! You could achieve all your personal goals, becoming a raving success by the world’s standard, and still miss the purpose for which God created you. Some people may thought of this the moment before their death or some time in their life; “What have I been doing all these while? I’m nothing but a slave to the world.”  Some may achieved all their ambitions and dreams yet still felt unsatisfied because he has not discovered and fulfilled his purpose of his life that is planned by God. Besides, life is not about how to cram more activities into an overloaded schedule. By doing so, you are actually allowing yourself to learn how to do less inn life!

As a conclusion, God is not just the starting point of our life; he is also the source of it. To discover our purpose in life we must turn to God’s word, not the world’s wisdom.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Wall of Fire II (27/5/2011)

I was pondering, worrying, hurting, trying to overcome something in my own life which I forsee but is helpless to overcome..and suddenly, I remembered the series vision that I had.

Let me elaborate a bit, God is unique in his vision in my relationship with Him. Every time where a new season, or a new stage in life is gonna come, God will let me see a wall of fire. Let me elaborate even more:

The 1st time the vision appear is before my awakening, God show me the 1st wall of fire, and He challenged me to cross it and He promised greater things ahead of that wall and the fire won't hurt me. the 2nd time the vision appears, I was nearer to the wall, maybe just below it and God is telling me I'm near and challenging me to cross again. The 3rd time happens after my self-awakening. I know I had crossed the wall, the wall of awakening fire and God show me another vision, there was another wall of fire ahead further away. And the gap between had the word "Devotion".

And now, the 4th time it appeared. And I was below that wall of fire. Am I ready to cross it? what has God installed to me behind that wall? I'm curious and I'm eager to cross it. But one thing is for sure, there is a change and a different stage of life coming to me. I'm ready~

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Letter to God-4

To my God
Who resides in heaven
Your love will never fails

For all my fails and failures
I was found again by Your grace
You never give up on me
Even when I hurt You so much

Your love is patient
Never failing to forgive
You put aside all my wrongs
And gently nudge me back to the right path

All my evil doing
All my wretchedness
All my corrupted ways
You accept them all

You saw me that day
When You took the crown of thorns
When You was mock and whipped
And when you finally went to the cross

Who am I that to deserve Your grace
Given without any conditions
Without any restrictions
Given out of love for me

I will bless Your name
The ‘No’ You said to my plans
The ‘No’ You said to my desires
The ‘No’ You said to my ways
I will accept them

Even when I drift away
When I try to hide
You will find me
Like how a lover wait upon his love
You waited for me

And I know
Even in my loss of vision
I can be sure You are still finding me
Gently nudging me back to You
And I know
That I will come to realize
I’m found once again in You
In Your eternal peace and faithfulness
Forever Yours~

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Letter to God-3

Oh God Your love is like a calm water
smooth and flowing
bringing peace to my soul embracing me with Your mysterious serenity
tranquility beyond expression
As I know I'm in Your embrace
Your gentle voice tenderly touch me
freeing me of my bounds, my worries
Oh, how overwhelming is Your peace
I can find no where in this earth
In that secret place
Just me and You ...