Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Lord's Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer
Introduction à Even Jesus’ disciple asked Jesus how they should pray… appear in two forms: in the Gospel of Matthew[6:9-13] and In the Gospel of Luke [11: 1-4]. Though we memorize it as a set “formulae”, the Lord's Prayer shouldn't be repeated mechanically or without thought. We should know what are we praying or else we will be just like pagans doing random chanting [Matthew 6:7]

Why is it important till it appears more than one time in the bible?
è The Lord's Prayer is a basic Christian prayer
è Serves as the “standard” guideline for those who are still maturing in Christ.
è Teach us the components of prayer/ what to pray.

Our Father in heaven,    [Praise]
Hallowed be your name,
By calling God father, He invites us to have a close relationship with Him. Jesus teaches that we have a filial relationship with God; God sees us as if we were a daughter or a son. We can be more familiarise and able to approach God, like a child approach his/her loving parents.
None of our description is enough to describe God. God who is in heaven, whose name is holy, cannot be fully known by us. His name is honoured, and above all other names. Is there anything higher than heaven? Only God.  this phrase (Hallowed…)  as a petition that people may look upon God's name (which is his word, his presence) as holy

Your kingdom come,     [Let God’s will to be done]
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
God, our mighty king would rule over the earth according to a plan that unfolds from the beginning of the world. He will replace human ruling and governments, which too often are driven by greed and power. God’s kingdom which has set the policy to be justice and peaceful where the good will be rewarded and the wicked will be punished [Proverbs 11: 31]
In our life we need to acknowledge God’s authority and power. As a Christian we believe God to be the Alpha and Omega, the creator of all things, therefore in everything we do, we need to be submissive, faithful and trusting in His will, His perfect planning, on earth, as it is in heaven. God is the architect with the masterplan.

Give us today our daily bread.      [Asking ]
Describes all those physical, human and spiritual gifts we need to live. Our God is a kind and loving God who is not stingy and always give, provided you ask! [Matthew 7: 11]. Beware and we must have a clear motive of what we ask for. [James 4:3] We need to have hunger for His voice, His Words, His guidance, His encouragements, His blessings.

Forgive us our debts,   [Confession]
As we also have forgiven our debtors.
We seek for God's forgiveness for our daily offenses either unintentionally or intentionally, and  we link God's forgiveness of us with our forgiveness of others. If we don’t forgive sins of others unto you, God will not forgive your sins unto Him [Matthew  7:14]. Unforgiveness and Hatred hinders us from seeking God! Another good scripture on forgiveness will be Matthew 18:21-35 Parable of the Unmerciful Servant

And lead us not into temptation,   
But deliver us from the evil one.
In our lives, whether we like it or not is a daily battle. Trials and temptations like [tendency to cheat, failure and bad habits] often make our spirit “crushed” or to sin against God. This points help us to ask God to safe-guard of our hearts when being “tested” and to deliver evil desires from our lives.
 ** Remember that God tests us, but Satan tempts us!!!!** Case: "Lord, you're placing me into a situation of temptation." God’s reply would be, "You're to be ready for any situation. I am placing you in a situation where your faith will be tested for your good benefit." God does everything according to His word and He expects us, as His children, to do the same . Case: Why does God tests us by allowing Satan to tempt us? remember that God owns Satan because he knows you will grow stronger and glorify him in the end.

For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours. <Some may not have this>
Now and forever. Amen   [Acknowledging God]
Finally we acknowledge God’s supremacy and position as Almighty Ruler from Above.

No matter how many years of Christian hood you went through, sometimes it is good to refer The Lord's Prayer as your sample or the foundation of our daily prayers. *Cheers*