Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Letter From God

for a musical feel for this post:

To: Elden

When I say "I love you"
I say it gentle, I say it soft

When I say "I love you"
I say it with an all knowing smile
I know my dear, I know

When I say "I love you"
I know you inside out, outside in
I know exactly what you need

When I say "I love you"
It may be short
But I'm telling you my all

When I say "I love you"
I know Your tiredness
And I'm encouraging you to not give up

When I say "I love you"
I see your anger
And I'm telling you that I'm not giving up on You

When I say "I love you"
I'm telling you
you think too much when all You need is just me

When I say "I love you"
I desire to give you my peace, my love and my joy
It's yours, can't you see?

When I say "I love you"
I'm telling you that
your focus is wrong, just focus on me

When I say "I love you"
I see your weaknesses
And my choice is still to love you

When I say "I love you"
I see your imperfection
And I'm saying that you are still worth it

When I say "I love you"
I see your emptiness
And I am saying that I am your filling

When I say "I love you"
I'm saying don't give up
For I'm with You always, forever

When I say "I love you"
How I long for intimacy with you
How I yearn for a lover in you

Yours sincerely