Thursday, September 27, 2012

God's Ministering Part 2

As I was snorkeling in Pulau Sapi; one of the beautiful island in Sabah, God continued to minister and inspire me through nature again. God told me that our lives are like corals. I whispered in my heart, "Lord, corals??"

Life as corals were never easy from the start, as hit by waves, attacked by "wild life" and may be destroyed by human activities. They get broken in many parts and ways then they will grow stronger and stiffer. But when corals are in the growing stage or "repair" / regeneration stage, they may look ugly and awful. If you realized after the corals have completed their stages, they become as beautiful as ever. It applies to our lives as well, God allows hardships and circumstances in our lives to break us, mold us, make become stronger and to remove the "ill" side of us which is full of sinful nature. God reminded me that He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful [John 15:2] . I personally also believed that through Christ working in us; re-shaping us but removing the branches that bears no fruit, we will transform to be more like him and making us "beautiful" and become attraction for people to draw closer to God. We do get attracted by beautiful corals right?? Same as people to attracted to God through our uniqueness in Christ.

God also showed me that corals live in the same area and conditions; hit by waves, attacked by "wild life" and human activities can result in two circumstances. Either the corals are removed or they remained strongly in their places. God reminded me of the Parable of Sower in Mat 13 :5-6 [Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root.] It's because we have not rooted deep enough in God ; whether in His promises and His presence, we could be easily up-rooted and fall away from God, just like the corals are being removed away from their ground.

Lastly as I was deep in my thinking / conversation with God while snorkeling, a fish bit me while I was swimming across one of the corals. I asked the Lord, "what was that all about?" . God told me "Just like the fish living "in" the corals [practically some fish does], my spirit [Holy Spirit] lives in you. "the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world" [1 John 4:4]. God assured me there's no need to fear, like the fish guarding its home.. God's spirit will guard us, His temple as well.

Well that's all I received from the Lord through nature during my vacation. It's fun to include God in everything as I always discover something new with God. I would like to suggest you to have an open heart and include God in everything you do so that God can minister to you in any ways. You will be surprised how God uses our surroundings to minister to you. =).