Wednesday, March 14, 2012


hey there, had been a long time huh. Just wanna share something today to encourage those who feel DOWN, STRESS, DISAPPOINTMENT, SICK, RESTLESS etc negative things happen in your life...

For the past few days i had been sick, heaty body, cough, soarthroat etc etc..after coming back from Bible Conference. Asking Elden and Avalon, is there any sins that i had been committed which cause me to sick so severely. ( well, there is a cantonese saying, "free to die, but not free to sick") As I had been so sick and tired throughout the day, (not even have strength to wash my clothes) not doing anything contributing, go lecture also unable to listen and receive....aiks, i hate being SICK!

Well, today God is telling me something as i am still tired of being sick. Spirit of God told me, "why are u letting this sickness to control over your life?" This struck me!What am i doing? I forgot my identity as the child of God, as coheir with Christ......

Lots of time we allow things happen in our life to surpass the priority of God in our life. This things might be as important as money, family, friends, spouse, career....but what i wanna share is the little things that drag us, let us feel useless, let us feel restless, that draw us far away from God. Those little things include sickness, disappointment, relationship problem, arguments with friends, assignment, project, stress, etc....

we might think that, " O I am going to fail tis subject this sem!"
" O i am going to die as i m having soarthroat and it never cure"
" My girlfriend dump me, what is the purpose of life now?"

this little ocassions happen in our life Frequently. And lots of time we respond to it with a very negative thinking, mindcept and action. Basically, we EMO.

Hence, i wanna encourage all of u who are emo-ing right now, STOP UR CRY! STAND UP! PUT ON YOUR SMILE!.. None of these small little negative events shall conquer my life! Because I had the victory through Jesus Christ! I will be set FREE!!!!