Sunday, July 31, 2011

Through it All (31/7/11)

The more I listen to this song, the more I fall in love with it, or can say with the person this song is dedicated to~ In my darkest valley, my failures, my hurt, my weaknesses, my darkest hour, this song never fail to comfort me with God's love and assurance again and again =') :
You are forever in my life
You see me through the seasons
Cover me with Your hand
And lead me in Your righteousness

And I look to You
And I wait on You

I'll sing to You Lord
A hymn of Love
For Your faithfulness to me
I'm carried in everlasting arms
You'll never let me go
Through it all

how many times i run away from the Lord but i always missed him. how many times i was discouraged but he always comforted me. how many times i hurt him but he always love me. ~~

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Letter to God --7 (20/7/11)

By the grace of God, I breathe
By His grace, hope arise
by His grace, I will smile in my hard times
by His grace, His praises I will sing
by His grace, my burden relieved
by His grace, dark hours is a mere trifles
by His grace, I persevere
by His grace, my stress He set free
by His grace, my mistakes He forgives
by His grace, my failure He comforted
by His grace, my joy is found
by His grace, I see the works of His hands
by His grace, I see the wonders of His plans
by His grace, I will sing
that to the  ends of the earth
I will love You forever~

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Psalm 13 (14/7/2011)

How long, LORD? Will you forget me forever?
How long will you hide your face from me?
How long must I wrestle with my thoughts
and day after day have sorrow in my heart?
How long will my enemy triumph over me?

Look on me and answer, LORD my God.
Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death,
and my enemy will say, "I have overcome him,"
and my foes will rejoice when I fall.

But I trust in your unfailing love;
my heart rejoices in your salvation.
I will sing the LORD's praise
for he has been good to me.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Lucy, the papaya tree

Lucy, the papaya tree

I would say this papaya tree would be rather special in my eyes compared to other papaya trees. Our church members gave her a name, Lucy. I’m not sure why they named it Lucy. I would say Lucy has gone through many difficulties in surviving from the rough conditions due to her small size; hot weather, dry, hard and sandy ground, and struggled to obtain food due to many plants around her. My friend has a special desire to plant a papaya tree in front of the Ministry House. He dug Lucy out of the ground and placed her into in front of the ministry ground. The ground is not that fertile either, it contains mostly sand and full of grass growing on it. Each and everyone of us told my friend that it would not survived for long and the maximum life spend of hers would be two weeks due to damaged roots and harsh conditions. However, this friend of mine continued to believe that Lucy will continue to grow healthily just like other papaya trees. She looked withered. dry and a little dead in the beginning, but my friend took good care of her faithfully by watering her. One day hot afternoon, friend of mine went to water her before our lunch. I began my conversation by asking him “How often do you do gardening?” He did not reply me because he thought I’m asking a sarcastic or to make fun of him. I told him that plants will die when you water them during hot day because the cells would be “cooked/boiled” causing them to die. Up till today, Lucy survived and shoots start to spring out from her though she is small.

                Let’s reminiscence the story above a while, does this story similar to all our happenings in our daily lives? A mindset where initial judgment is set right before our eyes; deceived by what we saw, heard, learnt and believed. We feel hopeless and impossible in every situation that we face because we did not include the grace and mercy of God. We should never under estimate the supremacy and the majesty of our God, the creator of everything. We should believe that through Christ where by His grace and mercy we are able to do everything!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Hope Church~ (4/7/2011)

Recently see and heard so many people commenting and criticizing and degrading HIM  as a cult movement. I wonder why...But allow me to say something here, cause a lot of time, when these things strikes, people start to feel confused, angry, depressed and start to panic...hope I can help to clear the confusion~ =)

1st, what is the Devil's greatest weapon? It is through disunity. See when the people start constructing the tower of Babel, they are united, they are one in language, but why do they fail? It is because of disunity through language by God. So the Devil knows that and will try his very best to cause disunity. Disunity is his primary weapon. I came from a hometown church which experience what I call 'The Great Split' where 50% of the people left the church. Why? disunity, misunderstanding and unresolved issues which is buried and spread through gossip. When it happened, people felt so confused, felt so lost, everything was in a total chaos and the Devil rejoice in it and 1 of the church elder (who had become the leader) had such a hard time encouraging the church back up....for months! See how deadly is disunity? I can confirm with you with all confident that hopping churches is not what God wants.

And what causes disunity? misunderstandings. People don't see why people are acting like that. And people don't care to see from other viewpoint. Misunderstanding is deadly, it fuel disunity, it fuel anger which both if combined together is more deadlier. Seeing from different viewpoint is important. Someone might crack and start to piss off on you, but behind it did anyone see the stress that had build up to the point that is unbearable? So lets say Hope churches are forcing people in shepherding, see from a different viewpoint, perhaps the shepherd is inexperience? We must know that through responsibility people mature so the shepherd are also growing in wisdom when they shepherd people with only the intention of seeing people grow in the LORD and understanding HIS way. But perhaps sometimes the methods are too forceful, but what does the Bible say?

If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. -- Matthew 18:15

We must learn how to communicate and understand each other, only then we can find ourselves to respect one another in the love of Christ. An open heart to one another without hiding is important if we want to love one another, understand one another heart and to prevent hurts and anger. I myself testify that this is relevant today. That's why the Bible say don't gossip. Do all things out of love. Think and act out of respect and love which is from God and we will start to see from a larger perspective.

A lot of times, we will say think wisely, think through it with wisdom. But what I realize is, sometimes if not a lot of times, we use this as an excuse for ourselves. Thinking wisely is not thinking logically. Thinking wisely is not thinking in our own comfort zone. We try to deduce or measure people, teachings and things and we got ourselves trapped in our own logical mind which is so easily swayed by the Devil. Devil lovesss to confuse us, mind you. Didn't Jesus thought us to have faith like a little children? pure, joyful and simple? But a lot of times, our mind entangle itself because we see it from our own wisdom and we thought it is wisdom from God. But in the Bible it is said that heavenly wisdom is first of all pure; then peace-loving,considerate,submissive, full of mercy, and good fruit, impartial and sincere. --James 3:17. From all those dissatisfaction I read through those that criticized hope, they already break 3, 1st they allow anger to stain the pure wisdom from God, 2nd, they try to encourage people to leave which cause confusion and no peace, 3rd they are not submissive.

Submissive. I got lots to say about submission. I gone through a lot of time that God reminded me about submission to leaders and authorities. Often, we see ourselves as so great, that our thinking is always correct. But is this not selfish ambition in our hearts which is earthly, unspiritual and demonic (James 3:15). I had experience so many time disapproval from leaders, so many times my leaders says that somewhere I'm wrong. But God reminded me: "Am I not the one that put this leader above you?". We must learn to be submissive, yes, there are times we seriously think we are correct, it is right, but submission to leaders is important. My hometown pastor once told me, you cannot be a good leader unless you learn to submit to your leaders. The leader might not know everything, but he/she is put there for a reason, what they do have a reason and although we can suggest and say, but we should submit to what they are doing. Often times we young people had so much zeal and we think that those older than us are just so cowardly or so reserved. But one thing we must not forget, we may have a greater zeal, but they have a greater experience. If without Moses' guidance, Joshua would not have been the successful general in his campaign.

How can I be sure Hope of God is not a cult? Because see the direction they are heading. They might be very radical, but see that they are heading back to the starting of the churches. The Acts churches. Acts churches are guided by the Holy Spirit, not man. They are loving to each other in faith. And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. (Acts 2:42) Everyday they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the LORD added to their number daily those who were being saved. (Acts 2:46-47).

Now compare the Acts churches with Hope. Hope church is guided by the Holy Spirit, I see greater love in hope church members than any other churches. We follow the teaching of the apostles, pastors and leaders (which is the HIM FoF, DMS, WFL etc etc), we fellowship hardcore, and notice the everyday the continued to meet together in the temple courts? See how on fire they are and see how unusually on fire Hope church members are. And I know Hope church emphasize a lot on prayer and see how some of us are so mad for God everyday. And most importantly, see how God had added to Hope's member those who were being saved. Thus by their fruits you will recognize them (Matthew 7:20 on recognizing true and false prophet). But there is also the sad side. Those who oppose the Apostles of the Acts churches are mostly from the Jews, people who understand the laws, people who are suppose to be chosen by God. Why? because they are not willing to accept. They are hardened and prideful enough to not to change. And sadly, same situation goes to Hope church, mostly criticized by fellow believers, who are not matured enough to accept discipline which comes from God (He who ignores discipline despises himself, but whoever heeds correction gains understanding. -- Proverbs 15:32). Don't narrow our vision and the ability to change that is from God. When God bring changes, we must be discerning but yet matured enough to obey. Simple saying, don't be trapped in our own narrow mindset.