Friday, March 18, 2011

The Holy Communion

The Holy Communion  [The Covenant with God]
“ Do we sometimes forget things in our life; even important events?” In having a relationship with God, one of the events that we can’t possibly forget is The Holy Communion. Communion reminds us of the Great commission of Jesus; the greatest thing that God has done for mankind, (refer John 3: 16) and that He died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins. (Matthew 26: 26~29). The ceremony is considered holy because of the presence of God. 

Who should partake communion?
  • Every born again Christian who truly understands the love of Jesus.

What does this ceremony reminds us about?
  • Realize the love of God for us; Jesus death on the cross.
  • Not to continue to sin.
  • We are bought with a high value; blood of Christ, which redeems us from bondage from sins.
  • Victory over sin and death when He rose again.
  • Not only forgive sins but God gives us new life.
  • Jesus’ second coming (1 Corinthians 11:26)
  • God’s New Covenant

How do we receive the communion?
1)      Together as a church
~> Not to be done alone.
~>It signifies we are members of the same body of Christ; as a church.

Where can communion take place?
~> At any convenient place as long as we realize its spiritual meaning.
~>(Acts 2: 46)

Attitudes in receiving communion.

1)      Prepare our Hearts
~>Prepare our hearts so that we can fix our eyes upon God and able to worship Him (H.E.A.R.T) in spirit and truth, not on worldly possession [power, wealth, entertainment and etc…].
~>Eg. Jesus’ disciple did not prepare their heart. (Luke 22:24 ~A dispute also arose among them as to which of them was considered to be greatest )
~> Examine our hearts : Confess our sins and settle all unforgiveness and hatred before  communion. Sins forms wall separating us from seeking God.

2)      With Faith
~> Should not receive it as a ritual, think about God’s grace.
~>Brings healing and deliverance of our sickness and bondage. (1 Peter 2: 24)

3)      Be Humble before God
~> Know our position! Always remember that we are saved sinners~ For we are not worthy to be saved, but God did saved us. Therefore, we should humble ourselves before God because pride hinders us from seeking and listening to God.
~> Expect the Holy Spirit to open our spiritual eyes to see our weaknesses.

4)      Affirm our loyalty to Christ
~> Communion is a ceremony that represents loyalty and love towards Jesus.
~>It’s like making a decision to be loyal and fully commit our lives to Him (You belong to Jesus).

5)      Renew our commitment
~>Should not participate this ceremony without any spiritual meaning
~> Making a decision to love, loyal and fully commit ourselves to Him as we take the bread and drink the cup.
~> Ask ourselves whether we love, loyal and fully commit our lives to Him or not.

6)      Remember God’s grace
~>Realize God’s grace in our lives and allow God to transform our lives.
~>Come into His presence not by our good works, but by His grace.
~> Jesus wants a personal relationship with Him; where He initiated the Communion by breaking the bread and gives it to the disciples. (Luke 22:19)

7)      Repentance
Some Christians have misunderstanding that they are not good and worthy enough to participate in communion.
~> As long we have a repentant heart and a desire to walk a new life with Him, it’s OK!
~>Receive the communion with the recognition of God’s grace.