Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A short post (30/3/11)

An interesting point I heard from one of John Bevere's sermon. It never fail to keep reminding me.

These are the symptoms of a person who is facing an intimidating spirit
  1. confusion
  2. depression
  3. hopelessness
  4. lack of vision
Most of the time we deal with the symptoms, NOT THE ROOTS!!!
We can deal with all the symptoms, but if we didn't deal with the main root, the problems are gonna come back again.

Intimidation and timidity is a spirit, it can affect one person through circumstances and through people.
A spirit of timidity/a spirit of intimidation will cause the gift of God is us to go dormant.


Friday, March 18, 2011

The Holy Communion

The Holy Communion  [The Covenant with God]
“ Do we sometimes forget things in our life; even important events?” In having a relationship with God, one of the events that we can’t possibly forget is The Holy Communion. Communion reminds us of the Great commission of Jesus; the greatest thing that God has done for mankind, (refer John 3: 16) and that He died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins. (Matthew 26: 26~29). The ceremony is considered holy because of the presence of God. 

Who should partake communion?
  • Every born again Christian who truly understands the love of Jesus.

What does this ceremony reminds us about?
  • Realize the love of God for us; Jesus death on the cross.
  • Not to continue to sin.
  • We are bought with a high value; blood of Christ, which redeems us from bondage from sins.
  • Victory over sin and death when He rose again.
  • Not only forgive sins but God gives us new life.
  • Jesus’ second coming (1 Corinthians 11:26)
  • God’s New Covenant

How do we receive the communion?
1)      Together as a church
~> Not to be done alone.
~>It signifies we are members of the same body of Christ; as a church.

Where can communion take place?
~> At any convenient place as long as we realize its spiritual meaning.
~>(Acts 2: 46)

Attitudes in receiving communion.

1)      Prepare our Hearts
~>Prepare our hearts so that we can fix our eyes upon God and able to worship Him (H.E.A.R.T) in spirit and truth, not on worldly possession [power, wealth, entertainment and etc…].
~>Eg. Jesus’ disciple did not prepare their heart. (Luke 22:24 ~A dispute also arose among them as to which of them was considered to be greatest )
~> Examine our hearts : Confess our sins and settle all unforgiveness and hatred before  communion. Sins forms wall separating us from seeking God.

2)      With Faith
~> Should not receive it as a ritual, think about God’s grace.
~>Brings healing and deliverance of our sickness and bondage. (1 Peter 2: 24)

3)      Be Humble before God
~> Know our position! Always remember that we are saved sinners~ For we are not worthy to be saved, but God did saved us. Therefore, we should humble ourselves before God because pride hinders us from seeking and listening to God.
~> Expect the Holy Spirit to open our spiritual eyes to see our weaknesses.

4)      Affirm our loyalty to Christ
~> Communion is a ceremony that represents loyalty and love towards Jesus.
~>It’s like making a decision to be loyal and fully commit our lives to Him (You belong to Jesus).

5)      Renew our commitment
~>Should not participate this ceremony without any spiritual meaning
~> Making a decision to love, loyal and fully commit ourselves to Him as we take the bread and drink the cup.
~> Ask ourselves whether we love, loyal and fully commit our lives to Him or not.

6)      Remember God’s grace
~>Realize God’s grace in our lives and allow God to transform our lives.
~>Come into His presence not by our good works, but by His grace.
~> Jesus wants a personal relationship with Him; where He initiated the Communion by breaking the bread and gives it to the disciples. (Luke 22:19)

7)      Repentance
Some Christians have misunderstanding that they are not good and worthy enough to participate in communion.
~> As long we have a repentant heart and a desire to walk a new life with Him, it’s OK!
~>Receive the communion with the recognition of God’s grace.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Something to Ponder

I'm not asking anyone to forward this. Just think about the message.



Ever wonder what would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat our cell phone?

What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets?

What if we flipped through it several time a day?

What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?

What if we used it to receive messages from the text?

What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?

What if we gave it to Kids as gifts?

What if we used it when we travelled?

What if we used it in case of emergency?

This is something to make you go....hmm...where is my Bible?

Oh, and one more thing.

Unlike our cell phone, we don't have to worry about our Bible being
Disconnected because Jesus already paid the bill.

Makes you stop and think 'where are my priorities? And no dropped calls!

When Jesus died for us, he was thinking of you!

If you are one of the 7% who will stand up for
Him, forward this.
93% of the people won't forward this.
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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Conviction (17/3/2011)

Looking at some of the photos of my youths at genXtra revival conference, it ponder me to think about this...what cause people to be passionate for God?

Like what Bill Wilson said, will those horrific natural disaster, like the recent Japanese Tsunami cause people to turn towards God? Yes, people will start to think, oh God oh God! why the wrath! Than we start to pray for Japan...but how long will it last? Let me ask, anyone of you still praying for China Sichuan people? No right? 911 incident, yea, the whole tower go kaboom! people start flooding the church, but until news of revival in America while lots of them in Africa and Asia???

Than food for thought, my hometown church youths have been attending far more revival conference a lot, yes, fire burn strongly for a dies down.. How come? Than how come I just go for once and until now, when im backsliding back, I will feel very shaken to go back the way I once was? what makes a person to stay on fire for God?

Well, David Wilkerson says that there is a need for anguish, pure agony in the heart that will propel you towards a change in ourselves and a change in the society. Pastor Simon says, passion starts with an encounter with God (burning bush/vision/dream/audible voice/soft whisper alike)

It all leads back to one point, which is conviction. We can attend tonnes of ultra hot revival conference, listen to a lot of seriously on fire music, jump/dance/rock on in the concerts, hear God's voice speaking with a 250 000 KW speaker to you, but without that conviction in the heart, everything will be of no use, there won't be any lasting effects, won't be any real progress.

Conviction is to seriously feel the need to know that something had to be done and like how Bill Wilson says, to present yourself before God with the words "Here I Am". To be used by God to go the extra miles, to seriously leave your comfort zone to do God's will. Only with conviction, we will do what people will label as crazy, nuts....

And what should be our conviction? It is to know that when judgment day comes, you will be seeing faces you know burning in hell, screaming in agony at you asking you why aren't anything done...If that's the case, I prefer not to be at heaven....