Monday, February 14, 2011

love is in the air!

Today is Valentine's Day, just want to confess to God : God, i LOVE you!

Really praise the Lord that Lord has heard me and really answer to my prayer.
Have been busy these few days and really have insufficient time to sleep, however standing still till now and have all the motivation and energy to do my part, all thanks to God.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matthew 6:34)

Come across this verse while reading bible and really feel like God is talking to me, as im always worry about my events, whether i have finish my parts anot, assignments done before due date anot, etc etc..

And my Valentine's Day starts off with God's love!
Been doing my lab report till mid night and wake up early at 8am to finish compiling my lab report and do my event emcee script. then 10.30am went to meet Mr Ahmad, a very helpful UTP staff in Cocu-unit. Really thank God that im able to finish the emcee script on time after cracking my head for the diaologues. A tough job le!! Next time have to ask the emcee to prepare their own scripts. XD

Then, my angel came ==> Dandy Lau
He offered to do the job that the HICOM requested in the google group.
Ahh~ Really save my life ~ Without his offer, i think im so gonna collapse with burden and tiredness. God really have heard me and when you really commit yourself to God and let God decide the best for you, the God always did miracle to your life. Hallelujah~ !!

Talk about Sunday services.
God is so loving and caring.
He knows what you are thinking and feeling.
And He talks to me in such a gentle way.
And cure my heart "disease" through the sharing of his words.

God, you are just so great and awesome!
Nothing can be compared to your love!