Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Transformation in Life (John 2: 1-11)

I believe that some of you are quite familiar with this passage regarding Jesus changes the water into wine. I would like to give a brief introduction about this passage before writing this sharing further. In the Jewish wedding culture, they have to prepare their wedding at least a few months ahead which normally lasts for seven days (a week) and the host family is supposed to serve wine for the guests day and night for the entire week. Wine is one of the most important items they should have in celebrating the wedding; guests might not attend the wedding without it. In this passage, Jesus performed his first miracle in Cana, Galilee. Let us have a look into this passage and see how we can apply these verses in transforming our lives.

1. Inviting and surrendering our lives to Jesus (v2 & v3 )
I would say the host is intelligent where he invited Jesus and His disciple to the banquet. I believe that the host did not invite Jesus to come on that day, but invited Him ahead of time. Imagine Jesus is not there when the wine finished. How shameful it is when you have nothing to serve the guests who attended his wedding! Luckily, Jesus is there for the wedding banquet and able to save the host from problems and also from shame. Indeed, Jesus changes our lives when we accept Him into our life and whenever problem comes, God is always there with us to solve our problems and bore our shame. Noticed that Jesus’ earthly mother, Mary turn to Jesus and told Jesus about the problem, lacking of wine [v3]. Mary knows Jesus is able to do something or miracle in that situation. How about us? Do we believe that God is able to work throughout the impossibilities? Who or what are we turning to when we have problems? I would like to assure everyone with this verse saying that “For nothing is impossible with God" [Luke 1:37]. I remembered what we learn in 17th MNC whereby if we use the magnifying glasses on God, God will be bigger than your problems. On the other hand if we use the magnifying glasses on our problems, the problems would appear bigger than God. Today I would like to advice every one of us to turn to God and surrendering all our problems to Him. You’ll be amazed on how God works in the hopeless and impossible situations.

2. Wait upon God patiently (v4)
Most of the time, we lack of patience in waiting for something to be done especially in this fast moving era. All we ever wanted is “Quick! Quick! Quick! Or Fast! Fast! Fast! With the existence of the “hi-five” technology, we are to accomplish things faster compared to back then. However, not everything can be done quickly when we are dealing with the process of transformation in life. God could have just zapped us with His fingers and said “Be changed!” and we are transformed. Instead, God allows certain situations happened in our lives to help us to grow stronger in terms of faith, patience and reliance upon God to transform us. We’ll have to remember one thing always; transformation is not a one-night-process-thing as takes time over the years. Probably you can reflect upon how different your life is now after receiving Him compared to back then. If God has never changed you one single bit, probably it is time to reflect in our lives. In this situation, God reminded me of Psalm 27:14 Wait for the LORD;
be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD. If you have noticed, God repeated the phrase “wait for the Lord” twice. I believe this is not a coincident or lacking or phrases to put as scriptures, but God is trying to emphasize the importance of waiting for Him. We need to learn to trust upon His divine timing in every work that He does.

3. Obedience in God (v7-v8)
As mentioned in v7 and v8 we are able to observe that the servants quickly reacted and obediently followed Jesus’ instructions in filling the jars with water to the brim, drew some out and took it to master of the banquet. I believed that if the servant didn’t obey Jesus’ instructions, no wine would have been produced out of the situation. The servant could have defied Jesus’ instructions because they will assume Jesus as son of the carpenter and his wife, Joseph and Marry; didn’t know Jesus is God. But the servants reacted in the former statement. We too should react in obedience in what God instructs us to do if we want to see a change in our lives. Most of the time God will give specific instructions to guide us, for example God mentioned the dimensions and the materials to build His tabernacle. All we need to do is follow God’s guidance or instructions with obedience. Have you ever experience that when God ask you to go left but you disobeyed and went to right? We eventually will reach the destination but we will go through some difficulties when we are on our journey. This point is also applicable in fulfilling the tasks or instructions that the church leaders given to us. We are to obey as well!

After we are being transformed by God in our lives inside out, the society will have a change of mindset or perception of people towards you. In verse 9, the master tasted the water which turns into wine and he didn’t realize where it had come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew. People will start to question themselves on how we may have changed over the time, but we know we are transformed by the renewing work of the Holy Spirit in us. Noticed that in verse 10, banquet master praised the host for serving a better quality of wine even though it is almost the end of the one week period. Why is that so? Most of the Jewish hosts serve cheap wine or self-produced wine after the guests have drunk because they are no longer able to differentiate between cheap wine and expensive wine. The master of the banquet knows this host is different than others and reacted differently; people will start to notice the differences in us too as compared to the norm of the society.

In conclusion, it is important to surrender our lives to Jesus, wait upon His divine timing and obedience in God if we want to see transformation. Besides, everyone should have the desire to be transformed from glory to glory and more Christ-like as we grow in God because we are called to be the salt and the light of the world! That’s all for the sharing. Wishing you a Blessed Christmas.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Time surely does pass by quickly since the 16th MNC 2011; “Extra-ordinary” in Sarawak, Kuching as it felt like it just happened yesterday. This time the 17th MNC 2012 is held in Riverfront Hotel in Ipoh with the theme “Abundance”. Indeed, I felt blessed at every convention especially in this 17th Convention which bring much abundance in my life even though I have missed 2 sessions. This convention has changed my perspective towards the book of Joel and the word abundance. I have learnt that God values freshness and newness especially in our lives as the term freshness is not only bounded in doing new things and in age. I was also being reminded that having complete freedom in Christ doesn’t mean that we are struggle free. We do have struggles in life so that we can experience Christ in the midst of struggles and have a victorious over struggles; glorifying His name.
In the lesson on influx of souls, I have learnt the types of church’s growth; Biological, Transfer and Conversion. I am reminded once again that we can ONLY prepare for revival not make the revival happens because the influx of souls are the work of Holy Spirit. In the conquest of evangelism and daily lives, God desires partnership with us. In order for a church to accommodate revival, a strong church is needed. There’s a quote said by Pastor Jeffrey “Big is not strong, Small is not strong but STRONG is strong.” A small or big church not necessary is not necessary a strong and vibrant church. However, a strong church is definitely strong and vibrant. A strong church is defined as the lives of the people of the church. What kind of life should we have? We should be obedient to God, persistent and consistent in prayer, teaching the word of God, building a Godly community and involving ourselves in evangelism. Our roles in lives are to be a witness a Christ, reaching out to those around us and participating in the Great Commission.
On the 3rd night, Pastor Denis shared one part regarding being a strong disciple of Christ. In order to be a strong disciple in Christ, we need to know God’s word and experience God in our daily life. The church will also turn into a vibrant church and will never be the same when we encounter revelations or word of Rhemas from God. Pastor Denis also emphasized on the topic of Holiness. God certainly wants His church to be Holy as God is Holy. We are challenged to live a holy life as we are the temple or the host of the Holy Spirit. Finally, we are being reminded of not forgetting God’s goodness after receiving His abundant blessings in life.
Aside of the teachings in this convention, I experienced God in different ways. God spoke to me in one of the Praise and Worship session through Psalm 94: 14- The Lord will not reject his people; he will never forsake his inheritance.- I thought it was my own illusion at that moment. However, the confirmation came through a song and I knew I couldn’t deny that the word was from God. As I’m aware that I’m moving into Prophetic line this season, God also assure me that He will activate my prophetic gifting if I were to ask from Him by faith.
No doubt that one of the sessions that I missed I went to serve as a dancer, back-up singer and helper in PKC. Indeed, I had a nice time serving whether as a dancer, back-up singer or even as a helper. On Friday night I was asked to use mic to back-up the leader and dance in the PKC Praise and Worship. I was afraid to use mic to sing due to my pass trauma and experiences in the church and I do believe everyone does know about my problem in singing; my funny voices and running of keys when singing. I happily managed to escape from back-up singing using mic that day. However, I rejoiced too early as I was forced to pick up the role as a back-up singer with mic on the following day! Pastor Willey and a few worship leaders of the congregation were there for PKC Praise and Worship. That moment I felt kind of stress as Pastor Willey is the Pastor who is in-charged Praise and Worship Ministry. Urgh, I knew I couldn’t run and hide anymore. I told God, “God you know me the best, I just want to trust you and if it is your will, let Your will be done! I just want to use whatever I have to worship you. The session turns out from a stress situation into joyful moments in Praising God. Indeed God wanted to give me a breakthrough and not to run or hide! After the Praise and Worship session, a kid came out to me and said “Gor gor, when you sing praise song u seem enjoying and joyful, but when you sing worship song you are full of emotions”. I was stunned at that particular moment. All I could do was to thank him and smiled at Him. Every action we do is observed by the younger generations and the people around us. Therefore, always set yourself to be a good example.
In conclusion, I had wonderful and fruitful sessions in this 17th MNC 2012. I managed to catch up with some brothers and sisters as well and managed to witness a proposal session. I also realized that we Christians have so much to do to make impacts in all the aspects of society including in entertainment as well. I would like to encourage anyone who likes to share their experience regarding 17th MNC can always feel free to email me so that I can post it for you, especially the first timer. Had a blessed day ahead and God Bless!