Thursday, May 3, 2012

A Letter to God -- 14

My soul cry out unfair!!
You are unfair to me
I see no fruits but only scourge
I see no progress but only destruction

You had cast me down in suffering,
Cast me on a road no one I know walked
Why have You smite me?
Why have I not taste the water of salvation?
Why have You cast me down so my soul have no rest??

My mind understand not Your ways,
For You ways are higher,
You want to shape me,
But I cry out enough, I cry out its too much

You shape me to be humiliated
My words are words of fool!
The fools words come to accomplishment
My words fails always
Why are there two standards for fools?

 I am angry, anger of a fool
You smite not the unrighteous
You smite me
You discipline not the unholy
You discipline me
In Your love, You make me worst than dust

I wish I was never born, I wish death consumes me now
For my soul does not understand Your fire
I cannot understand Your anger
I have enough, I have too much
Why did you make me like this?
Why have you create this standard in me?
Is it for people to sneer?
Or is it for people to isolate from me?

I have enough, my soul is in deep distress
Restless beyond comprehension at Your works in my life
Create in me a new heart, one that follows You
For my heart rebels against You and me
For my heart is cancerous

Anger shrouds me, Your scourge is on me
I am ruined, I am downcast
My mouth You had close, so my fire will burn

Give me Your peace,
Give me Your love
Give me Your joy
Give me Your abundance and presence

For all these I lack,
The 3rd son, worn out with no blessings
Indeed I see not the fruits of my labor, only pain
Indeed my soul is downcast as my hope stands in You

Give me Your peace, dear LORD
For in my anger, You will still be Yahweh
My provider and covenant keeping God
Show me the fruits of my sacrifice
That my life will not be in vain

Restore in me once again the joy of Your salvation
Your thoughts are not mine, but indeed You know my ways
You shield me and protect me
You draw me near from the pain of my life

My heart will submit although I do not know
For You know what I must
You know what I should be
As You hold me in Your palm
Yet another angry child in Your loving palm
Forever in Your loving presence